Our acclaimed Month-by-Month Gardening series gets a fresh update for gardeners located in North and South Carolina. Ever since the release of Carolinas Month-by-Month Gardening's first edition, do-it-yourself gardeners in North and South Carolina have turned to the trustworthy, expert advice of Bob Polomski. His local gardening mastery has helped transform the Cool Springs Month-by-Month Gardening series into the definitive when-to and how-to resource for gardeners in regions all across the country--and now, with a redesigned and easier-to-use format, fully updated information, and additional photography, this new edition of Carolinas Month-by-Month Gardening is packed with all the knowledge the North or South Carolina gardener and home landscaper needs to be successful. Inside, you'll find all the specifics on growing annual and perennial flowers, bulbs, grasses (both lawn and ornamental), edibles, roses, groundcovers, shrubs, trees, and vines throughout the year--including a section on water gardening. Even during colder winter months, author Bob Polomski will have you planning for and improving upon the next growing season. Carolinas Month-by-Month Gardening educates gardeners of all skill levels on the best practices for satisfying, rewarding results. And best of all, you'll be reaping the benefits all year round.