This is a fascinating study of twelve major capital wars in China led by overseas companies. These companies are Caterpillar, Mittal, Alcatel, Danone, SEB, BMW, UBS, L'Oreal, Toyota, Bayer, Johnson & Johnson and Coca-Cola. Each of the twelve chapters examines one company, with expert coverage provided by leading Chinese Business and Finance Professor, Wang Kangmao.
Part of the practical new Cases in Modern Chinese Business Series which offer revealing insights and analysis on how business is done in China. They offer case studies on how companies in China get started and how they succeed and fail. Clear and practical, each book explores how Chinese companies are expanding and thriving in the international market. All titles were written in China and give the real flavour of the Chinese business arena and some of the key players. To understand the economic and financial success of modern China it helps to get to know the business environment and some of the leading protagonists. These revealing new books show how.