‘You can use a vote to decide anything.’ That’s what Sara and Rafi’s older brother said when the pair couldn’t decide on a name for their new pet goldfish. Sara and Rafi both have great ideas and they’re determined to convince the whole neighbourhood that their name should win. But will everyone be happy with the result?
Highly engaging, illustrated picture book to be read out loud to children aged 5–6
Ideal for reading aloud at home with your child
Helps expose your child to rich language and curriculum-linked vocabulary
Includes key terms from History and the topic area of elections, voting and parliament
Part of the Bug Club reading series used in over 3500 schools
‘These books are a great start to addressing the wider curriculum and the vocabulary issues that schools are identifying.’ - Assistant Head, Primary Academy
The Bug Club Shared books are highly engaging, beautifully illustrated stories designed to be read out loud to children. The programme exposes children to rich, curriculum-linked vocabulary, helping to build an understanding across school subjects and cultivate a love for reading.