In this sharp and suspenseful sequel to Sleeping with Friends, a reluctant detective investigates a suspicious death, the party where it happened—and the secrets no one’s willing to tell.
Book editor Agnes Nielsen never anticipated the viral celebrity that would come after solving the attempted murder of her best friend. Suddenly swept up in a world of luxury, she finds herself mingling with New York’s movers, shakers, and moneymakers—among them the enigmatic heiress Charlotte Bond, who takes Agnes under her wing.
But those wings, it turns out, aren’t enough to save Charlotte from a fatal fall.
When police dismiss the death as accidental, Agnes takes on the scions and wannabes of New York society, even if she sometimes doubts her new skill set as a hipster detective. After all, she only has a vague recollection of the party that ended Charlotte’s life, and everyone else has a different story. Or so they say.