Everything you need for maximum counseling results in less time!
Expert Gerald Sklare is back with a breakthrough approach to effective counseling. Get fresh insights and new applications for solution-focused brief counseling (SFBC). Revised and expanded chapters help you:
• Conduct brief, short-term sessions that lead to rapid, observable change
• Create well-defined client goals
• Enable clients to envision and take steps toward a more hopeful future
• Maximize your time for rapid, observable student progress
• Use the solution-focused principles with reluctant clients
• Conduct positive, goal-oriented parent conferences
• Work with individuals in school and community settings
You’ll find a brand new chapter on abbreviated SFBC sessions, updated case studies and research, helpful flow charts and note sheets, and invaluable practice exercises. This "how-to" book gives you everything you need to implement this powerful, innovative counseling approach.
"Simple yet spectacular, my students and I LOVE Brief Counseling that Works! It presents a user-friendly, time-efficient, and very effective approach to counseling school-aged youth (and adults)!"
—Bradley T. Erford, Professor
Past President of the American Counseling Association
Loyola University of Maryland