A compendium of four critical selections, including: Off-Ramps and On-Ramps Revisited, Vaulting the Color Bar, The X-Factor, and The Power of "Out," as well as a new introduction and new forewords by Joanna Coles, Cornel West, Mellody Hobson, and Kenji Yoshino. The Center for Talent Innovation, a non-profit think tank, has a long history of focusing on challenges and issues pertaining to the workplace. The mission is two-fold: to drive groundbreaking research that leverages talent across the divides of gender, generation, geography, and culture; and to create a community of senior executives united by an understanding that full utilization of the global talent pool is at the heart of competitive success. The flagship project of CTI is the Task Force for Talent Innovation and was founded in 2004. To date, the Task Force has spearheaded 200-plus new best practices, many of which are "second-generational" and go beyond access and opportunity to retention and acceleration. This action on the ground has garnered significant attention (ten Harvard Business Review studies and numerous articles in the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Strategy & Business, The Huffington Post, and others) which brands Task Force members as "thought leaders" in global talent management.