'Trying to shield yourself from disinformation and deep fakes? Cyrus Krohn offers a 'five-step program' to fight back. This book rings true.'
--Jill Dougherty, Former CNN Moscow Bureau Chief
Imagine an imminent America where citizens are bombarded with personalized political messages from every smart device - yet information is so suspect, nobody can tell what the truth is. It means oceans of disinformation engineered to sow false beliefs or simply disorient.
The coronavirus pandemic provided a foretaste of an infuriating, dystopian future. From the start Americans fought over the most basic facts of the crisis, from death tolls to quack cures to the wisdom of stay-at-home orders. The splintered digital infosphere bred confusion and delusion, some of it fatal. Now think of our campaigns and elections. The digital information age means more than hyper-targeted, just-for-you messages from insurance companies and presidential