Meet the lovable teddy bears and toys produced by the famous Gebru**der Bing toy company. This engaging text is illustrated with 372 enchanting color photographs. Once among the world's premier toy companies, Bing manufactured teddy bears of many sizes and talents. Some of the bears presented here perform tricks, walk, tumble, and growl to the delight of young and old. Other clever toys produced by this prolific firm include miniature sewing machines and phonographs, train sets and buildings, and other stuffed and mechanical animals. Provided in this book is the history of the Gebru**der Bing company and designers, the tale of Bing's current revival, and information about the modern day bears the company is producing (based on the company's much loved original patterns). Values are included in the captions. This book will delight collectors and dealers of teddy bears and toys, and is intended for anyone with fond memories of a favorite, furry childhood friend.