This volume contains a critical edition of the fragments of the Old Nubian translation of the Old and New Testaments. Old Nubian, the language of the Sudan in the Middle Ages, survives in a corpus of fewer than 100 pages. From this material, the author has extracted all the biblical texts as well as citations and allusions embedded in other Old Nubian works. Since Old Nubian is not well known, the author has provided each biblical verse with a literal Latin translation. In each case, the Greek Vorlage that the Nubian translator is presumed to have followed is also printed, accompanied by an apparatus of variant readings from Greek manuscripts as well as early versions and patristic citations. In the introduction, the author examines the relationships of the Old Nubian version with the Greek recensions and the Coptic translations. An Old Nubian glossary and a Greek-Old Nubian index complete the work.