Syllabus: CfE (Curriculum for Excellence, from Education Scotland) and SQA
Level: BGE S1-S3: Third & Fourth Level
Subject: Modern Studies
Engage pupils with political and social issues in Scotland and beyond so they are motivated to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding throughout S1-S3 Modern Studies.
Covering all CfE Third and Fourth Level Benchmarks for Social Studies: People in Society, this ready-made and fully differentiated BGE Modern Studies course puts progression for every pupil at the heart of your curriculum.
- Introduce contemporary issues in Scottish, UK and international contexts: Clear explanations, examples, case studies and definitions of key words make topics such as voting and elections, terrorism, and rights and responsibilities accessible for all pupils
- Build analytical, evaluative and research skills: Pupils learn how to debate issues, draw conclusions and communicate their views by working through a range of activities and a dedicated 'research skills' chapter
- Meet the needs of each pupil in your class: The content and activities are designed to ensure accessibility for those with low prior attainment, while extension tasks will stretch and challenge higher ability pupils
- Effectively check and assess progress: All activities support formative assessment, helping you monitor progression against the Experiences & Outcomes and Benchmarks (with additional assessments and worksheets in the separate Planning & Assessment Pack)
- Lay firm foundations for National qualifications: The skills, knowledge and understanding established through the course will set pupils up for success at National 5 and beyond
- Deliver the 'responsibility for all' Es and Os: Plenty of activities that address literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing skills are threaded through the book