This book covers the theory and practice of writing and speaking in professional settings for practitioners, educators and researchers in healthcare. A thought-provoking work, written by John J. Gartland, MD, Medical Editor at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia and past president of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, it will stimulate readers and change their perspectives on all forms of communication with their patients and colleagues. Uniquely, it also shows how to prepare an interesting, well-organized and well-written grant proposal to maximize the chances of obtaining funding. An essential resource for physicians and residents in all specialties, medical students, and educators and researchers, particularly those applying for research grants or wanting to publish articles. "Developing acceptable writing and speaking skills should be major goals for all physicians to attain because the very nature of the medical profession is such that few physicians can escape the need to speak and write in their professional careers. I share with you concepts and strategies about medical writing, medical speaking, and patient communication skills that have worked well for me over a long medical career. My hope is that these suggested communication and writing strategies will work as well for you as they have for me." - John Gartland, in the foreword.