This lively first collection from Susie Wild introduces a poet with a nomadic spirit, one that tramps humour, love and loss across the UK and the globe, trying to find a place to fit in. Better Houses Have Windows charts her moves, every six months to two years, from childhood to adult life with and wonder. In a state of constant displacement, she flits from tents and gypsy caravans to a short- lived stint at boarding school, from lodgings and house sitting to a two- floor rental she can finally call home.Here we have a half-remembered, half-made-up life of pub crawl dates and door-slam scars as she falls in and out of love and a life in boxes. On her journey, poems hunt fossils and comets, escape fires and great white sharks, consider life on other planets and the prophecies of white witches. While - in Wild's playful, take on the mundane world of removal vans, builders and letting agents - beds and language barriers are tested, areas are gentrified, lawns are mown and heart rates checked.Susie was Writer in Residence at the Mothership, Dorset (Summer 2016) and won a place on the Autumn Poetry Masterclass 2016 with Gillian Clarke and Imtiaz Dharker. Dharker. Her poetry has recently been selected as an Ink Sweat & Tears Pick of the Month and a First Thursday performance winner (judged by Amy Wack and Cynan Jones). Events are booked from September: Penned on the Bont (20 Sept, Bridgend), Howl (21 Sept, Swansea), Cardiff Book Festival (22 Sept), First Thursday (Cardiff, October), Made in Roath 2017, Poems & Pints Carmarthen, The Wheatsheaf (London, November) and many more TBC.