The root of all inequality is the process of othering and its solution is the practice of belonging
We all yearn for connection and community, but we live in a time when calls for further division along the well-wrought lines of religion, race, ethnicity, caste, and sexuality are pervasive. This ubiquitous yet elusive problem feeds on fears created, inherited of the other. While the much-touted diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are undeniably failing, and activists narrowly focus on specific and sometimes conflicting communities, Belonging without Othering prescribes a new approach that encourages us to turn toward one another in unprecedented and radical ways.
The pressures that separate us have a common root: our tendency to cast people and groups in irreconcilable terms or the process of othering. This book gives vital language to this universal problem, unveiling its machinery at work across time and around the world. To su