When an industrial accident occurs, who gets the job ofinvestigation and loss control? In most businesses, it's managersand line supervisors, whether or not they have any idea how toproceed. Now, there's a ready-to-use guide to organizing andconducting accident investigations: Basic Guide to AccidentInvestigation and Loss Control The most important objective inaccident investigation is not to establish blame, but to revealcause and prevent recurrence. Basic Guide to Accident Investigationand Loss Control uses a cause-and-prevention approach to help youstart with the most productive strategy, and finish with the mostusable results. Case studies are included to present real-worldapplications of the principles and techniques of modern accidentinvestigation. This vital resource gives you a brief grounding inthe principles of accident investigation, plus how-to instructionsfor every step of the job:
* Initial response and public relations
* Choosing investigators
* Interviewing witnesses
* Documenting the scene
The book shows you all the tools and techniques of the trade, withfull chapters on:
* Assembling an accident investigation kit
* Making the best use of photography
* Collecting written evidence
* Fault tree analysis
* Management Oversight and Risk Tree (MORT)
There's even a sample accident investigation checklist, readilyadaptable to all businesses. If you're responsible for reportingwhat happened, why it happened, and how to keep it from happeningagain, then you need Basic Guide to Accident Investigation and LossControl. About the Wiley Basic Guide Series The Wiley Basic GuideSeries focuses on topics of interest to today's safety and healthprofessionals. These manuals promote a quick and easy familiaritywith certain subject areas that may be outside the professional'smain field but are required knowledge on the job.