Bestselling author and award-winning chef Art Smith was cooking for celebrities but neglecting to take care of himself. His blood pressure and cholesterol levels were high, and his weight had ballooned to 325 pounds. But then, by changing his diet and starting an exercise routine while still enjoying his love of fine dining, he lost 50 pounds in just six months, and cured his health problems. Over time, while continuing to eat good, healthy food, he ended up losing 100 pounds. Oprah Winfrey was so impressed by Smith's health makeover through a better diet that she had him on a special show that explored how he reversed his diabetes. Eventually Smith became Winfrey's personal day-to-day chef, a position he held for ten years. Smith now cooks for the special events that she hosts all over the world. He is a contributing editor to "O Magazine" and has made numerous television appearances, including ABC's "Lady Gaga Thanksgiving Special" and "Top Chef Masters". In "Art Smith's Healthy Comfort", Smith shares easy recipes for delicious dishes that are a great part of a weight-loss plan that is actually enjoyable. He stresses the importance of celebrating food traditions while at the same time learning how to create new and healthier food options. In the book, he shares the tried-and-true recipes he has developed that are loved by his celebrity clients but that can be made by anyone. Smith gives you the tools to enjoy the delights of cooking and eating great food while embracing beloved celebrities' favorite healthy recipes that will help you lose weight. The book will contain 150 original recipes.