Nanoscience, nanotechnologies and the laws of quantum physics are sources of disruptive innovation that open up new fields of application. Quantum engineering enables the development of very sensitive materials, sensor measurement systems and computers. Quantum computing, which is based on two-level systems, makes it possible to manufacture computers with high computational power.
This book provides essential knowledge and culminates with an industrial application of quantum engineering and nanotechnologies. It presents optical systems for measuring at the nanoscale, as well as quantum physics models that describe how a two-state system interacts with its environment. The concept of spin and its derivation from the Dirac equation is also explored, while theoretical foundations and example applications aid in understanding how a quantum gate works. Application of the reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) method of mechanical structures is implemented, in order to ensure reliability of estimates from the measurement of mechanical properties of carbon nanotube structures.
This book provides valuable support for teachers and researchers but is also intended for engineering students, working engineers and Master�s students.