In this light-novel prequel to the Apple Black series, Willow and Gideon together take on the evils that riddle Eden in their adventure to find gold.
Many years ago, humans acquired “Black” fruits from a tree that descended from the skies, turning humans into sorcerers. Although all of Black is now extinct, humans still have sorcery inherited from their ancestors. In this fantastical world of wands and sorcerers, The Ebony Peak wars led to the new regime of Eden, but its policy left behind many stricken and near-extinct tribes who’ve now formed rebellions against the new rule.
In Apple Black Origins, a pivotal origin story about the fantastical world of Apple Black, Willow, a wild young sorceress with mysterious vitiligo, looks to end the discrimination towards her tribe and others by finding all the legendary Golden Wands, like the one she got from her father, to help balance the scales. She enlists the help of a power