An Adventure with Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties is an exciting storybook and guidebook pair, designed to help readers understand the practical, social and psychological impacts of dyslexia on children and young people.
A Nasty Dose of the Yawns: Zack has always found school difficult. Even though he is good at maths and excellent at flicking elastic bands, trying to read and write is like trying to fight a Kracken. One day, when he discovers the rest of his class infected by a mysterious sleeping sickness, Zack draws on his strengths resulting in some unexpected consequences
An exciting and engaging story for children aged 8-12, this book explores some of the challenges faced by learners who find literacy unusually difficult.
Supporting Children with Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties: Providing an easy-to-read introduction to dyslexia and literacy difficulties, this guidebook is rooted in theory, and takes a holis