A Voice out of Poverty: The Power to Achieve through Adversity is an inspiring memoir that shows how beauty can be found in improbable places, and how achieving success is not just about making it through. Rather, it is the act of reaching back to bring others with you. As a young girl, Jillian Haslam, the author, saved a life. Herself tiny and aching from malnutrition, she stood for hours at a tea shop, begging for a ladle of milk to try and prevent her new-born sister from dying of starvation. This tenacious act was the first glimmer of a lifelong drive to empower others to rise from adversity. Now a renowned humanitarian and motivational speaker, Jillian Haslam, bestowed with the Mother Teresa Memorial International Award, The True Legend Award from The Telegraph, the Asian Woman of the Year Award by The Independent (to name a few), shares her astonishing story to light the way for people to realise that their destiny is greater than their circumstances. Jillian offers talks on overcoming adversity to corporates, educational institutions and others to help achieve their set objectives.