Francesco Geminiani was a pupil of Lonati, Corelli and A. Scarlatti. In 1714 he went to England, where he soon became a leading violinist and highly esteemed composer, teaching many pupils, especially from the ranks of the nobility. Following the permission granted by King George II in 1739 to print a large number of compositions, the violoncello sonatas were published in London in 1747.
The work illustrates the change in musical style characteristic of the 1740''s; over a completely traditional thoroughbass structure the composer develops the solo part in an elaborately embellished roccoco-like melodic line.
Francesco Geminiani war ein Schüler von Lonati, Corelli und A. Scarlatti. Im Jahr 1714 ging er nach England, wo er bald zu einem führenden Violinisten und hochgeschätzten Komponisten wurde und viele Schüler, vor allem aus den Reihen des Adels, unterrichtete. Nachdem König Georg II. 1739 die Erlaubnis erteilt hatte, eine große Anzahl von Kompositionen zu drucken, wur