In this alternate history of the American frontier and the Jacksonian era, a small change takes place in the Battle of the Horseshoe Bend during the War of 1812. What results is a cascade of new developments that becomes an avalanche. In our world, Ensign Sam Houston, just turned 21, led the charge on the creek barricade in that battle and almost died from a terrible wound that took him a year to recover from. In this world, his wound is minor, so he is able to continue fighting the British—and develop his close relationship with Andrew Jackson much sooner. Along with a radical Scots-Irish immigrant in the U.S. army, Patrick Driscoll—one of “the Men of ’98”—Houston organizes a defense of the U.S. Capitol that prevents the British from destroying it and makes him a national hero. He and Driscoll then play a central role in the defense of New Orleans under Jackson's command. They change the course of that battle in ways that will, over time, transform the relationship between the United States, the Indian tribes of the south, and the slaves brought over from Africa. About 1635: A Parcel of Rogues: “The 20th volume in this popular, fast-paced alternative history series follows close on the heels of the events in The Baltic War, picking up with the protagonists in London, including sharpshooter Julie Sims. This time the 20th-century transplants are determined to prevent the rise of Oliver Cromwell and even have the support of King Charles.”—Library Journal About 1634: The Galileo Affair: “A rich, complex alternate history with great characters and vivid action. A great read and an excellent book.”—David Drake “Gripping . . . depicted with power!”—Publishers Weekly About Eric Flint's Ring of Fire series: “This alternate history series is . . . a landmark.”—Booklist “[Eric] Flint's 1632 universe seems to be inspiring a whole new crop of gifted alternate historians.”—Booklist “ . . . reads like a technothriller set in the age of the Medicis . . .”—Publishers Weekly