
3302 products

  • God Is All In All: The Evolution  of the Contemplative Christian Spiritual  Journey

    Homebound Publications God Is All In All: The Evolution of the Contemplative Christian Spiritual Journey

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    “If something is something, it cannot be its opposite—or so it might seem. Not so with God, because God is…beyond opposites.” In Thomas Keating’s signature wise and whimsical style, this little book invites us to think big. “Think of God in a very big way. And if you do, that is too small.” Transcribed from a 2012 keynote address, God Is All in All introduces some mighty themes—including nature as revelation, mystical teachings on interdependence, new cosmologies of religion and science, and evolutionary understandings of what it means to be human—in a much-needed update to theologies Keating describes as “out of date.” Outlining a three-part spiritual journey from recognizing a divine Other, to becoming the Other, to the realizing there is no other, Keating boldly states “Religion is not the only path to God.” Thoroughly Christian and fully interspiritual, this much-beloved outlier Trappist monk offers a message of “compassion, not condemnation” in a contemplative embrace of the cross as a symbol of humility, inviting those who would become co-redeemers of the world to join him in the kind of meditation and contemplative prayer that allows the transcendent self to emerge. “Be still and you will know, not by the knowledge of the mindbut by the knowledge of the heart, who God is and who you are.”

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  • Armageddon: What the Bible Really Says about the End

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  • Pagan Portals - Where Fairies Meet: Parallels between Irish and Romanian Fairy Traditions

    Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Where Fairies Meet: Parallels between Irish and Romanian Fairy Traditions

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    Traditions surrounding fairies are, essentially, a cross-generational compass that helps young and old to orient themselves into the ever-changing cultural landscape. As such, fairy traditions allow people to position themselves on the time-space continuum, not only through perpetuation of values but also through connecting deeper with the subtler realms that surround and interpenetrate consensus reality. Connecting to subtler realms gives access to a body of knowledge built upon the record of interaction between our world and the Other. In Ireland and Romania, fairy traditions are alive and evolving. The study of the parallelism that exists between bodies of lore, past and present, from areas diametrically opposed on the map of Europe, gives scholars, lay people, and spiritual seekers access to an everlasting repository of wisdom.

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  • Nagarjuna's Advice for Buddhists: Geshe Sopa's Explanation of Letter to a Friend

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  • Critical Dilemma: The Rise of Critical Theories and Social Justice Ideology—Implications for the Church and Society

    Harvest House Publishers,U.S. Critical Dilemma: The Rise of Critical Theories and Social Justice Ideology—Implications for the Church and Society

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    World Magazine 2023 Book of the Year Where Are Critical Theory and the Social Justice Movement Taking Us? Critical theory and its expression in fields such as critical race theory, critical pedagogy, and queer theory are having a profound impact on our culture. Contemporary critical theory’s ideas about race, class, gender, identity, and justice have dramatically shaped how people think, act, and view one another—in Christian and secular spheres alike. In Critical Dilemma, authors Neil Shenvi and Pat Sawyer illuminate the origins and influences of contemporary critical theory, considering it in the light of clear reason and biblical orthodoxy. While acknowledging that it can provide some legitimate insights regarding race, class, and gender, Critical Dilemma exposes the false assumptions at the heart of critical theory, arguing that it poses a serious threat to both the church and society at large. Drawing on exhaustive research and careful analysis, Shenvi and Sawyer condemn racism, urge Christians to seek justice, and offer a path forward for racial healing and unity while also opposing critical theory’s manifold errors.

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  • Saturated with God: A cry for nation-changing revival

    SPCK Publishing Saturated with God: A cry for nation-changing revival

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    Do you feel weary, tired, dry? Do you feel in need of spiritual refreshment? It's time for us to become a people saturated by God. Many of us believe revival is possible, but sometimes it feels so far away - we hear of astonishing accounts from across the world or read about remarkable stories in the pages of our history books. This is a book for those thirsting to see revival bubble up in our post-pandemic time and place today. Exploring the profound images of water in scripture, from baptism to an ‘outpouring’ of the Holy Spirit, Saturated With God paints a compelling vision of what the Church can be today - shining with the love and power of God - and stirs up the call on every Christian to more closely follow Jesus today.

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  • Why Baby Boomers Turned from Religion: Shaping Belief and Belonging, 1945-2021

    Oxford University Press Why Baby Boomers Turned from Religion: Shaping Belief and Belonging, 1945-2021

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    Mocked, vilified, blamed, and significantly misunderstood - the 'Baby Boomers' are members of the generation of post-WWII babies who came of age in the 1960s. Parents of the 1940s and 1950s raised their Boomer children to be respectable church-attendees, and yet in some ways demonstrated an ambivalence that permitted their children to spurn religion and eventually to raise their own children to be the least religious generation ever. The Baby Boomers studied here, living in the UK and Canada, were the last generation to have been routinely baptised and taken regularly to mainstream, Anglican churches. So, what went wrong - or, perhaps, right? This study, based on in-depth interviews and compared to other studies and data, is the first to offer a sociological account of the sudden transition from religious parents to non-religious children and grandchildren, focusing exclusively on this generation of ex-Anglican Boomers. Now in their 60s and 70s, the Boomers featured here make sense of their lives and the world they helped create. They discuss how they continue to dis-believe in God yet have an easy relationship with ghosts, and how they did not, as theologians often claim, fall into an immoral self-centred abyss. They forged different practices and sites (whether in 'this world' or 'elsewhere') of meaning, morality, community, and transcendence. They also reveal here the values, practices, and beliefs they transmitted to the future generations, helping shape the non-religious identities of Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z.

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  • ESV Prayer Journal: 30 Days on Peace (Paperback)

    Crossway Books ESV Prayer Journal: 30 Days on Peace (Paperback)

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    This ESV Prayer Journal will guide you in a study on peace over 6 weeks, leading you to write and pray about finding peace with God, other people, and within our own hearts and minds.

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  • Come, Lord Jesus: Meditations on the Second Coming of Christ

    Crossway Books Come, Lord Jesus: Meditations on the Second Coming of Christ

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    John Piper explores Scripture’s command to love the second coming of Christ, and what it is about this event that makes it so desirable. While encouraging Christians to have a genuine longing for Jesus’s presence, Piper addresses pressing questions about the end times.

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  • I Judge No One: A Political Life of Jesus

    C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd I Judge No One: A Political Life of Jesus

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    Why was Jesus, who said ‘I judge no one’, put to death for a political crime? Of course, this is a historical question—but it is not only historical. Jesus’s life became a philosophical theme in the first centuries of our era, when ‘pagan’ and Christian philosophers clashed over the meaning of his sayings and the significance of his death. Modern philosophers, too, such as Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Nietzsche, have tried to retrace the arc of Jesus’s life and death. I Judge No One is a philosophical reading of the four memoirs, or ‘gospels’, that were fashioned by early Christ-believers and collected in the New Testament. It offers original ways of seeing a deeply enigmatic figure who calls himself the Son of Man. David Lloyd Dusenbury suggests that Jesus offered his contemporaries a scandalous double claim. First, that human judgements are pervasive and deceptive; and second, that even divine laws can only be fulfilled in the human experience of love. Though his life led inexorably to a grim political death, what Jesus’s sayings revealed—and still reveal—is that our highest desires lie beyond the political.

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  • Loving People Who Are Hard to Love: Transforming Your World by Learning to Love Unconditionally

    Hodder & Stoughton Loving People Who Are Hard to Love: Transforming Your World by Learning to Love Unconditionally

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    How do you love the people in your life who are hard to love?We're never going to be able to prevent people from saying or doing things that hurt our feelings. We will always have opportunities to get offended. But if we do things God's way, we can choose to save ourselves a lot of misery and hardship. This doesn't mean we allow people to abuse us. No, there is a time for confronting people and dealing with situations. However, the Bible commands us to love our enemies and forgive those who have wronged us, even when it feels impossible.Everything the Lord asks us to do in the Bible is ultimately for our good. In fact, when we choose to love our enemies and forgive those who have hurt us, we are actually helping ourselves more than anyone else. Because whatever the Lord commands us to do, He is going to give us the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish it - and that includes loving and being good to difficult people! God's love flowing through us is strong enough to melt even the hardest hearts, so use kindness as a weapon to overcome the meanness in people.

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  • Christian Apologetics: An Introduction

    John Wiley and Sons Ltd Christian Apologetics: An Introduction

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    Provides an accessible overview of the theory and practice of Christian apologetics, written by one of the leading experts in the field Christian Apologetics is a compact yet comprehensive introduction to the theological discipline devoted to the intellectual defense of the truth of the Christian religion. Assuming no previous knowledge of Christian apologetics, this student-friendly textbook clearly explains the major theoretical and practical aspects of the tradition while exploring its core themes, historical development, and current debates. Using a non-denominational approach, world-renowned Christian scholar Alister E. McGrath engages the ideas of a wide range of representative apologists and explores the ways they have been applied throughout history, and can still be used today. Concise, easy-to-digest chapters gradually build students' knowledge and confidence, moving from basic definitions and concepts to more advanced theory and practical application. Throughout the text, the author engages a variety of cultural concerns about religious belief, illustrates the real-life connection of apologetic studies and ministries in the Church, and offers clear explanations and vigorous defenses of the faith that students can adopt in their own writing and speaking. Introduces the art and science of explaining and commending the Christian faith Presents approaches to apologetics that emphasize the positive appeal of Christianity to the imagination and emotions Covers the major approaches to apologetics, identifies their strengths and weaknesses, and discusses their key representatives Helps readers in ministry and outreach defend Christianity against misunderstandings and misrepresentations Addresses the real-world application of apologetics, including role models, good practice, and established wisdom Features case studies of Christian apologists such as G. K. Chesterton, Dorothy L. Sayers, and Tim Keller Includes study questions, activities, further reading lists, full references, and links to video and audio resources developed by the author Designed to meet the needs of teachers looking for a clear and reliable introduction to the field, Christian Apologetics: An Introduction is an excellent textbook for undergraduate and graduate apologetics courses in colleges and seminaries, as well as church courses and study groups across Christian denominations. "McGrath judiciously mines the best apologetics from both the past and present while helpfully analyzing the task of apologetics and giving sage advice on how Christians may more effectively engage in the apologetic task. I heartily recommend this book."—Robert B. Stewart, Professor of Philosophy and Theology, New Orleans Baptist Theology Seminary "Alister McGrath, one of Christianity’s leading scholars, has written an apologetics textbook in the legacy of C. S. Lewis, which integrates multiple disciplines and new developments. The result is a masterful introduction that is destined to serve the church for many years to come."—Joshua Chatraw, The Billy Graham Chair for Evangelism and Cultural Engagement, Beeson Divinity School "From the first time I heard Alister McGrath lecture as an undergraduate student I was gripped. His unique ability to grapple with the most challenging and complex issues and communicate with clarity and wisdom is unsurpassed in our day. In Christian Apologetics: An Introduction he provides a comprehensive picture of Apologetic approaches with his classic combination of winsomeness and brilliance. I believe it will prove to be another classic from McGrath."—Dr Amy Orr-Ewing, Honorary Lecturer, School of Divinity, University of Aberdeen "There has long been a desperate need for a thorough and wide-ranging introduction to Christian Apologetics, not least as this branch of Christian thought and theology has become increasingly active and important in recent years. Alister McGrath's Christian Apologetics: An Introduction fills this gap brilliantly. All in all, this is a much needed and incredibly important book, one that McGrath—given his wide experience of writing and teaching in apologetics—is almost uniquely qualified to write."—Dr. Andy Bannister, Adjunct Professor of Apologetics, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto

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  • The Soul of Desire – Discovering the Neuroscience of Longing, Beauty, and Community

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  • Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi: An Introduction and Study Guide: Return and Restoration

    Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi: An Introduction and Study Guide: Return and Restoration

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    Michael R. Stead introduces the books of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi in light of the latest biblical scholarship. Over the past four decades, there has been an explosion of interest in the postexilic prophets and their role within the Book of the Twelve, which has coincided with paradigm shifts in biblical studies generally. This study guide integrates insights from both historio-critical and literary approaches to examine the authorship, form, structure, and composition of these texts. In particular, this guide explores how the intertextual connections with other scriptures help to shape their meaning. It includes a concise section-by-section overview that highlights key interpretive issues and guides readers in their approach to the text.

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  • Married Sex: A Christian Couple's Guide to Reimagining Your Love Life

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  • Preparing to Blend – The Couple`s Guide to Becoming a Smart Stepfamily

    Baker Publishing Group Preparing to Blend – The Couple`s Guide to Becoming a Smart Stepfamily

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    A Premarital Guide for Blended Family Couples If you want to enter a blended family marriage well, this is the book for you. Aimed at engaged or pre-engaged couples who have at least one child from a previous relationship, Preparing to Blend offers wise counsel on parenting, finances, establishing family identity, and daily routines for your new life together. Within these pages you will learn how to: · predict common issues · define expectations · create solutions You, your soon-to-be-spouse, and your children will benefit from exercises designed to accelerate family bonding and help you better understand each other. There is even a chapter to help you plan your wedding with your children in mind, so you can build a strong future together. Preparing to Blend is also an ideal premarital counseling tool for marriage coaches, mentors, and pastors wanting to prepare couples for complex blended family dynamics. If you are considering forming a blended family, Preparing to Blend is the resource you've been looking for.

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  • Music of Eternity: Meditations for Advent with Evelyn Underhill: The Archbishop of York’s Advent Book 2021

    SPCK Publishing Music of Eternity: Meditations for Advent with Evelyn Underhill: The Archbishop of York’s Advent Book 2021

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    ‘Almost before I had begun this wonderful book, I was hooked’ STEPHEN COTTRELL ‘Robyn Wrigley-Carr has produced a masterpiece of insight and wisdom’ CLARION JOURNAL ‘Nourishment for the soul on every page’ AYLA LEPINE, CHURCH TIMES ‘Wrigley-Carr illustrates how Underhill wonderfully unites reflection and prayer’ DANA GREENE Beloved spiritual writer Evelyn Underhill believed that God does not just come to us at special times, but is always coming to us. But how do we recognise his coming and make ourselves open to it? In Music of Eternity, the Archbishop of York’s Advent Book 2021, Robyn Wrigley-Carr shares a series of meditations exploring the nature God’s comings. Skilfully weaving together Underhill’s writings with the psalms and short prayers, she shows how, as Christians, we can embrace God’s coming and be transformed by them in order to better love others. Full of rich warmth and encouragement, these Christian meditations will help you make the most of the Advent season and more able to connect with God at all times. Set out in four parts to take you through Advent and with questions for reflection, the Archbishop of York’s Advent book can be used as a study for individuals or small groups to prepare for Christmas. Music of Eternity will help you find space to deepen your relationship with God, and to understand what Evelyn Underhill called the ‘many-sided truth of God’s perpetual coming to His creatures’.

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  • She Who Loved Much: The Sinful Woman in St Ephrem the Syrian and the Orthodox Tradition

    Holy Trinity Publications She Who Loved Much: The Sinful Woman in St Ephrem the Syrian and the Orthodox Tradition

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    The Orthodox Church understands the Holy Scriptures to be the fountainhead of Tradition. The stories read in the Bible are commonly explored and elaborated in greater depth in liturgical hymns, homilies, and patristic writings. Such is the case with the account found in St Luke’s gospel of a sinful woman who anoints Christ with precious oil shortly before his Passion and Crucifixion. The woman’s story is taken up in the liturgical tradition of the Orthodox Church in Holy Week, where she is held up as an example of repentance and unconstrained love. In this in-depth but readable study the biblical accounts are elaborated through both the liturgical and oratorical tradition of the Church, as found primarily in Greek and Syriac manuscripts, with particular attention given to the former texts, too often overshadowed by the latter. Previously inaccessible texts of late antiquity, such as homilies by Amphilochius of Iconium and Ephrem Graecus, are found here in English for the first time, together with fresh English renderings of other sermons.This sharply honed and well-constructed work will engage all who encounter the story of the sinful woman in the living tradition of worship in the Orthodox Church, as well as those who are introduced to her through Scripture, liturgical poetry, or scholarly consideration. The present work unveils the intricate nature of the tradition of the Church, which gives greater scope and application to the biblical record through its hymnography and oratory.

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  • The Beatitudes: Eight reflections exploring the counter-cultural words of Jesus in Matthew 5

    SPCK Publishing The Beatitudes: Eight reflections exploring the counter-cultural words of Jesus in Matthew 5

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    Christians are called to model a way of life that challenges the status quo and infuses the world with hope and possibility - and Jesus teaches us how to do this, not just by his words but by the way he lived. The Beatitudes features eight interactive Bible studies that dive deeper into the 'beatitudes', a series of teachings given by Jesus during his Sermon on the Mount. Beatrice Smith shows us how we can better apply these important teachings to our lives today. The Beatitudes includes contributions from a number of theologians and biblical teachers, including Debra Green OBE, Rev Malcolm Duncan, and many more. This interactive workbook is perfect for group and individual study. It's time to grasp the vision for what is possible when ordinary people catch a glimpse of God's radical call to follow the Lord Jesus and embrace the beautiful attitudes he maps out for living life to the full.

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  • (Revive Your Heart)  أحيِ قلبك: Putting Life in Perspective

    Kube Publishing Ltd (Revive Your Heart) أحيِ قلبك: Putting Life in Perspective

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    Revive Your Heart is a call for spiritual renewal and an invitation to have a conversation with one of the world’s most recognizable voices on Islam, Nouman Ali Khan.This collection of essays is disarmingly simple, yet it challenges us to change. To revise our actions, our assumptions and our beliefs so we can be transformed from within, as well as externally.It aims to help modern Muslims maintain a spiritual connection with Allah and to address the challenges facing believers today: the disunity in the Muslim community, terrorists acting in the name of Islam, and the disconnection with Allah.These challenges and more are tackled by Nouman Ali Khan, with his profound engagement with the Qur'an, in his trademark voice that is sought out by millions of Muslims on a daily basis.

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  • Hope for the Weary, the Burned Out, and the Broken

    Faithlife Corporation Hope for the Weary, the Burned Out, and the Broken

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  • Reading the Bible for the End of the World

    Faithlife Corporation Reading the Bible for the End of the World

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  • The Oxford History of Modern German Theology, Volume 1: 1781-1848

    Oxford University Press The Oxford History of Modern German Theology, Volume 1: 1781-1848

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    From the closing decades of the eighteenth century, German theology has been a major intellectual force within modern western thought, closely connected to important developments in idealism, romanticism, historicism, phenomenology, and hermeneutics. Despite its influential legacy, however, no recent attempts have sought to offer an overview of its history and development. Oxford History of Modern German Theology, Vol. I: 1781-1848, the first of a three-volume series, provides the most comprehensive multi-authored overview of German theology from the period from 1781-1848. Kaplan and Vander Schel cover categories frequently omitted from earlier overviews of the time period, such as the place of Judaism in modern German society, race and religion, and the impact of social history in shaping theological debate. Rather than focusing on individual figures alone, Oxford History of Modern German Theology, Vol. I: 1781-1848 describes the narrative arc of the period by focusing on broader intellectual and cultural movements, ongoing debates, and significant events. It furthermore provides a historical introduction to each of the chronological subsections that divides the book. Moreover, unlike previous efforts to introduce this time period and geographical region, the volume offers chapters covering such previously neglected topics as religious orders, the influence of Romantic art, secularism, religious freedom, and important but overlooked scholarly initiatives such as the Corpus Reformatorum. Attention to such matters will make this volume an invaluable repository of scholarship and knowledge and an indispensable reference resource for decades to come.

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  • Refuge in the Storm: Buddhist Voices in Crisis Care

    North Atlantic Books,U.S. Refuge in the Storm: Buddhist Voices in Crisis Care

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  • God Is Love: 365 Devotions from the Gospel of John

    BroadStreet Publishing God Is Love: 365 Devotions from the Gospel of John

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  • Chanting from the Heart Vol I: Sutras and Chants for Recitation from the Plum Village Community

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  • Enlightenment Is an Accident: Ancient Wisdom and Simple Practices to Make You Accident Prone

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  • Altar and Church: Principles of Liturgy from Early Christianity

    Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Altar and Church: Principles of Liturgy from Early Christianity

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    Altar and Church: Principles of Liturgy from Early Christianity is the first English edition of a book (Altar und Kirche: Prinzipien christlicher Liturgie) first published very successfully in German in 2019. It is a translation of the revised third German edition. The central themes of Stefan Heid’s book are the early Christian altar and the building of churches. It is about the beginnings of the Christian liturgy; but it is also about the principles behind the liturgy. In his Preface, the author states that the book is concerned with “those things that are so fundamental and important for Christian worship that up to the Middle Ages they were found in all churches and to this day continue to exert an influence, especially in the communities of the East. In many cases, however, the praxis has meanwhile diverged a long way from what it once was and is now increasingly subject to ideological decisions.” Whether or not what Christians use during service today is considered to be an altar is a point of contention between the denominations. However, since the liturgical reform of the Vatican Council 2, the altar has been at the centre of many redesigns of Catholic church spaces, with the early Church frequently taken as the model. But how can this be reconciled with the widespread opinion that Christianity initially knew no cult and no sacrifices? It was not until later, from the time of Emperor Constantine, that a real state-supported cult with sacrifices, altars and magnificent sacred spaces developed; the Church suffers from this historical burden to this day. This volume carves a few paths through the liturgucal jungle and arrives at results that are as surprising as they are stimulating.

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  • Calm the Soul: A Book of Simple Wisdom and Prayer

    Hachette Books Ireland Calm the Soul: A Book of Simple Wisdom and Prayer

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    'An inspiring book of simple spirituality' Galway AdvertiserOriginally published a decade ago, the number one bestseller Calm the Soul: A Book of Simple Wisdom and Prayer was written by the Poor Clares, Galway with the intention of showing us how prayer and moments of quiet contemplation can help us find solace and calm in today's busy world.Now, this specially updated edition brings the original reflections on familiar prayers such as the Our Father, Hail Mary and the Rosary, and prayers for special intentions such as depression and self-esteem, together with new material on issues such as anxiety and social media and a section on some of the sisters' favourite saints.This timeless book of spirituality presents simple ways we can introduce more prayer to our days and, in doing so, live with more peace and happiness.

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  • Religion: Reality Behind the Myths

    Collective Ink Religion: Reality Behind the Myths

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    Despite religion being a core theme of many contemporary debates, a solid and settled definition of the concept has not yet been reached. Nevertheless, it is regularly assumed that, because of their common characteristics, we are able to recognize religious phenomena when we see them. For example, it is often supposed that religion is primarily based on faith, that religion conflicts with science, and that the world would be a lot less violent without religions. Yet, no matter how widespread such assumptions might be, in the end, they turn out to be incorrect. What we think about religion does not correspond to what religion really is. Offering many concrete examples from different traditions, Religion: Reality Behind the Myths dispels the main misunderstandings, breaches the contemporary opposition between secular versus religious and presents a novel view on the essence of religion.

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  • Reading the Bible Through Lent: All the Lenten scripture readings from the Catholic liturgy

    Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Reading the Bible Through Lent: All the Lenten scripture readings from the Catholic liturgy

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    Reading the Bible Through Lent is the perfect accompaniment to Lenten study and reflection using the scripture readings of the Catholic liturgy. For every day of Lent, it provides the Bible readings for the day (taken from the Revised New Jerusalem Bible), with a short commentary, two questions for personal reflection and two prayers – all written by the Revd Dr Adrian Graffy, a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission – enabling the Bible to be read in the contemplative tradition of Lectio Divina.

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  • The Gospels

    Random House USA Inc The Gospels

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  • A Companion to Augustine

    John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Augustine

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    A Companion to Augustine presents a fresh collection of scholarship by leading academics with a new approach to contextualizing Augustine and his works within the multi-disciplinary field of Late Antiquity, showing Augustine as both a product of the cultural forces of his times and a cultural force in his own right. Discusses the life and works of Augustine within their full historical context, rather than privileging the theological context Presents Augustine’s life, works and leading ideas in the cultural context of the late Roman world, providing a vibrant and engaging sense of Augustine in action in his own time and place Opens up a new phase of study on Augustine, sensitive to the many and varied perspectives of scholarship on late Roman culture State-of-the-art essays by leading academics in this field

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  • Wisdom from Above: 365 Devotions from the Book of Proverbs

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  • Catholicism All-in-One For Dummies

    John Wiley & Sons Inc Catholicism All-in-One For Dummies

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    Let there be light — illuminating info about today’s Catholic church Catholicism All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition offers a path toward understanding the beliefs of the Catholic church and how the church operates. Fully updated with information on newly canonized saints, updated teachings from Pope Francis, and how Catholic beliefs intersect with the modern world, this edition gets you up to date with the last 2,000-or-so years of Catholic history. With five minibooks in one, this friendly Dummies guide will answer your pressing questions, such as: What do Catholics believe? What happens in Mass? Who are the saints? What is the role of the Pope? — and other cool stuff you’ve been wanting to know about this Christian denomination with over 1 billion members worldwide. With Catholicism All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition, you will: Discover the core tenets of the Catholic religion Learn all about the papacy and get to know Pope Francis Get a primer on the Catholic saints, including those newly canonized Walk through the traditions of Mass and the seven sacraments This is an excellent resource for anyone who needs a clear guide to the practices and rules of the Catholic faith and wants a fascinating look into a prominent world religion.

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  • Prayers & Promises for Daily Strength

    BroadStreet Publishing Prayers & Promises for Daily Strength

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  • The Purpose Driven Life Devotional for Kids

    Zondervan The Purpose Driven Life Devotional for Kids

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    The Purpose Driven Life Devotional for Kids is a 365-day devotional for children 8 to 12, written by Pastor Rick Warren and based upon the themes and ideas found in his bestselling book The Purpose Driven Life.God created each of his children with a purpose in mind … now is the time to thoughtfully and prayerfully start the incredible journey to finding that reason. This year-long devotional will guide readers through that journey of discovery and fulfillment.The Purpose Driven Life Devotional for Kids: Is written especially for children ages 8-12 Features a short message and thought for the day to help children discover who they are in God’s eyes and why God made them, as well as a daily Scripture verse Makes the perfect gift for Christmas, Easter, birthdays, and other holidays This daily devotional can be read individually or as a family. The devotions provide solid truths that every child should know about God’s love for His children and the purpose for them.

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  • How Religion Evolved: And Why It Endures

    Penguin Books Ltd How Religion Evolved: And Why It Endures

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    A fascinating analysis of the evolution of religion from the internationally renowned evolutionary psychologistWhen did humans develop spiritual thought? What is religion's evolutionary purpose? And in our increasingly secular world, why has it endured?Every society in the history of humanity has lived with religion. In How Religion Evolved, evolutionary psychologist Professor Robin Dunbar tracks its origins back to what he terms the 'mystical stance' - the aspect of human psychology that predisposes us to believe in a transcendent world, and which makes an encounter with the spiritual possible. As he explores world religions and their many derivatives, as well as religions of experience practised by hunter-gatherer societies since time immemorial, Dunbar argues that this instinct is not a peculiar human quirk, an aberration on our otherwise efficient evolutionary journey. Rather, religion confers an advantage: it can benefit our individual health and wellbeing, but, more importantly, it fosters social bonding at large scale, helping hold fractious societies together. Dunbar suggests these dimensions might provide the basis for an overarching theory for why and how humans are religious, and so help unify the myriad strands that currently populate this field.Drawing on path-breaking research, clinical case studies and fieldwork from around the globe, as well as stories of charismatic cult leaders, mysterious sects and lost faiths, How Religion Evolved offers a fascinating and far-reaching analysis of this quintessentially human impulse - to believe.

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  • Abraham Joshua Heschel: The Call of Transcendence

    Indiana University Press Abraham Joshua Heschel: The Call of Transcendence

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    Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907-1972) was a prolific scholar, impassioned theologian, and prominent activist who participated in the black civil rights movement and the campaign against the Vietnam War. He has been hailed as a hero, honored as a visionary, and endlessly quoted as a devotional writer. In this sympathetic, yet critical, examination, Shai Held elicits the overarching themes and unity of Heschel's incisive and insightful thought. Focusing on the idea of transcendence—or the movement from self-centeredness to God-centeredness—Held puts Heschel into dialogue with contemporary Jewish thinkers, Christian theologians, devotional writers, and philosophers of religion.

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  • In the Footsteps of the Savior: Following Jesus Through the Holy Land

    Thomas Nelson Publishers In the Footsteps of the Savior: Following Jesus Through the Holy Land

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    Have you ever wondered what the Holy Land might have looked like through Jesus's eyes? Join pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado as he takes you on an unforgettable journey following Jesus through his life on earth, giving you a chance to see the Holy Land and God’s heart for humanity in a brand-new light. In the Footsteps of the Savior is an invitation to come alongside Max as he shares meaningful, insights on the people and places that shaped Jesus's life. In this special compilation, Max weaves together in-depth teaching from his bestsellers with poignant reflections on his time in the Holy Land, guiding you through three distinct aspects of Jesus' life: The arrival of the Savior Jesus's ministry The crossroads and the cross With beautiful photographs and thoughtful questions for reflection, In the Footsteps of the Savior will take you on a journey through Bethlehem, Nazareth, Galilee, the Jordan River, Bethany, Jerusalem, and more.As you see the places Jesus walked from a new perspective, you'll also deepen your connection with the King of the universe who became the Savior on the cross.

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  • Waiting In Hope: 31 Reflections for Walking with God Through Infertility

    Thomas Nelson Publishers Waiting In Hope: 31 Reflections for Walking with God Through Infertility

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    Waiting in Hope gives women an uplifting, accessible resource to comfort, guide, and strengthen them through the journey of infertility. Featuring 31 reflections that address specific aspects of waiting and hoping, each chapter weaves personal narrative, Scripture, and prayers to encourage women longing for a child.Weary moms have their pick of hundreds of Christian devotionals and books offering encouragement for the trials of motherhood. Women who suffer miscarriage can also choose from a handful of resources, thanks to an industry trend making space for books on grief. But what about the one in six women who face the heartache of infertility? Where can they turn for comfort and guidance while grieving their dreams and grappling with unfulfilled longing?Waiting in Hope fills the gap for a biblically grounded, gospel-driven resource that specifically addresses the unique struggles of infertility. Offering 31 reflections filled with biblical wisdom, testimonies, and personal narrative, Waiting in Hope helps women work through their complex emotions, grow in their faith, restore strained relationships, and move forward in their journeys with perseverance and confidence in the Lord. Much needed Christian resource for the nearly 15 percent of women who face infertility, childlessness, and extended waiting for a child Compassionate, biblically rich devotional that doesn't give false hope or platitudes Provides an infertility-specific, journal-like companion to use continuously throughout your journey As seasoned infertility ministry leaders, Jenn Hesse and Kelley Ramsey have committed to help women turn to Jesus as their hope in sorrow. This book is the resource they wish they'd had ten years ago in the middle of their infertility grief. Women need to hear the good news that Jesus is with them in their wait, and that they can live a life of purpose regardless of how their wait ends.

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  • Watching in Wonder: Growing in Faith During Your Baby's First Year

    Thomas Nelson Publishers Watching in Wonder: Growing in Faith During Your Baby's First Year

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    The first year of life for your new baby is an exciting time full of milestones, and you don't want to forget a single moment. This weekly devotional journal will inspire you to record stories and prayers for your newborn as you create a memory book that you (and they) will treasure for years to come. And you'll feel God's presence and comfort with devotions and Scripture selected especially for new moms. In these pages, you will encounter a God who lovingly cares for you and your little one. Marvel anew at His goodness and the miracle of life that is growing day by day before your eyes. This devotional includes: A weekly inspirational devotional theme on one of God's unchanging characteristics Monthly "Memories and Milestones" sections to help you document your baby’s growth Devotions that lead you closer to God Thoughtful journaling prompts with space to record stories and prayers With its invitation to draw near to God as you navigate your baby’s first year of life, Watching in Wonder is a sweet and thoughtful gift for friends' and loved ones' baby showers or as a gift for yourself at this memorable time of life. Embrace the exhilarating, exhausting, and joy-filled first year of motherhood with this devotional journal, a gift you can one day give your son or daughter as a reminder of the love and prayers you shared throughout his or her first year in the world.

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  • NKJV, Large Print Thinline Reference Bible, Blue Letter, Maclaren Series, Genuine Leather, Black, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New King James Version

    Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, Large Print Thinline Reference Bible, Blue Letter, Maclaren Series, Genuine Leather, Black, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New King James Version

    1 in stock

    This NKJV Large Print Thinline Bible is inviting to pick up and hard to put down. Unique to this edition, the words of Christ are highlighted in a restful blue ink that’s easy to read and colorblind-friendly.The slim design of the NKJV Large Print Thinline Reference Bible means you can bring it along, wherever your day takes you. This large print edition features Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print®, designed to provide a smooth reading experience of the accurate and beautiful New King James Version. And with features including extensive cross-references, concordance, and full-color maps, you’ll still have the tools to get more out of God’s Word. Features include: Presentation page to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or a note Words of Christ in blue quickly identify verses spoken by Jesus Double column provides a nice readable flow of the text End-of-page cross-references and translator notes allow you to find related passages quickly and easily Concordance for finding a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible Full-color maps show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Durable Smyth-sewn binding lies flat in your hand or on your desk Two satin ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you are reading Elegant, gilded page-edge design Clear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print About the Maclaren Series: Named for noted Victorian-era preacher Alexander Maclaren, this series of elegant Bibles features regal blue highlights and verse numbers and clear, line-matched text.Trusted by millions of believers around the world, the NKJV remains a bestselling modern “word-for-word” translation. It balances the literary beauty and familiarity of the King James tradition with an extraordinary commitment to preserving the grammar and structure of the underlying biblical languages. And while the translator’s relied on the traditional Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic text used by the translators of the 1611 KJV, the comprehensive translator notes offer important insights about the latest developments in biblical manuscript studies. The result is a Bible translation that is both beautiful and uncompromising—perfect for serious study, devotional use, and reading aloud.

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  • A Mom Is Born: Biblical Wisdom and Practical Advice for Taking Care of Yourself and Your New Baby

    Thomas Nelson Publishers A Mom Is Born: Biblical Wisdom and Practical Advice for Taking Care of Yourself and Your New Baby

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    Rachael Elmore, a mother of two and a licensed mental health counselor who specializes in treating postpartum depression and anxiety, comes alongside new moms and gives them the practical tools and biblical wisdom they need to take care of themselves and become the connected and emotional healthy mothers God designed them to be.Most new moms know that the first year is going to be to be full of joys and challenges, peaks and valleys. But even though they've prepared themselves as much as they can, they still find themselves thinking, I knew this was going to be hard. But will it always be this hard? This wasn't what I was expecting, what if I don't know how to take care of this baby--or myself?Rachael Elmore has been there and knows on a personal and professional level how hard the early days and months of motherhood can be. In A Mom Is Born she takes her expertise as a licensed and clinical counselor and pairs it with her deeply personal story of overcoming postpartum depression after the birth of her first son. She comes alongside readers with practical tools--such as the New Mom Wellness Plan and a postpartum progress checklist--to help find the balance between taking care of their new baby and taking care of themselves. Using scripture and therapeutic insights, Elmore shows mothers how to develop a biblical plan for navigating new motherhood, the baby blues, and postpartum depression; stop intrusive thoughts and triggers in their tracks and overcome postpartum anxiety; process and manage all of the new emotions they are facing; and start implementing small acts of self-care that will lead to emotional health. A Mom Is Born gives moms the tools they need to stop spinning in the overwhelming emotions and anxieties of new motherhood and start taking care of themselves so that they can be the connected and emotionally healthy moms God designed them to be.

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  • KJV Compact Bible w/ 43,000 Cross References, Purple Leathersoft, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, King James Version: Holy Bible, King James Version

    Thomas Nelson Publishers KJV Compact Bible w/ 43,000 Cross References, Purple Leathersoft, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, King James Version: Holy Bible, King James Version

    1 in stock

    The KJV Compact Reference Bible offers the literary beauty of the King James Version in a hand-sized volume that features Thomas Nelson’s KJV Comfort Print, an exclusive font that was designed to be the easiest to read at any size.This edition is perfect for those who like to carry their Bibles with them throughout the day. With book introductions, extensive cross-references, a beautiful layout, and the words of Christ in red, this Bible packs a lot into a small package. Presentation page allows you to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or note Bible book introductions provide an overview and context for each book Words of Christ in red quickly identify Jesus’ teachings and statements End-of-column cross-references help you find related passages quickly and easily Miracles and parables of Jesus calls out important events during Jesus’ earthly ministry Bible reading plan guiding you through the entire Bible in a year Concordance for finding a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible Full-color maps show the layout of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Satin ribbon marker make it easy to navigate and keep track of where you were reading Portable personal-size format makes this Bible a perfect travel companion wherever you go Durable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding allows the Bible to lay flat wherever you are reading Clear and readable 7-point KJV Comfort Print In 1611 the King James Bible was published and authorized by the monarch of England and Scotland. Today, more than 400 years since its initial publication, the KJV is considered one of the most influential and beautiful works of the English language and continues to be the favorite translation for millions of Christians worldwide.

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  • KJV Holy Bible with Apocrypha and 73,000 Center-Column Cross References, Hardcover, Red Letter, Comfort Print: King James Version

    Thomas Nelson Publishers KJV Holy Bible with Apocrypha and 73,000 Center-Column Cross References, Hardcover, Red Letter, Comfort Print: King James Version

    1 in stock

    Enjoy the unmatched beauty of the King James Version combined with the readability of Thomas Nelson’s exclusive KJV Comfort Print® typeface, all in a Bible that includes over 73,000 cross references and the Apocrypha.In this edition, the literary beauty of the King James Version is paired with the readability of Thomas Nelson's Comfort Print for an unrivaled reading experience. Helpful resources are included, such as red-letter words of Christ, cross references in a center column, reading plans, and more.The KJV Comfort Print Typeface was designed to be the most readable at any size. On a special commission, 2K/Denmark sought to reflect Thomas Nelson's rich 200-year tradition with the KJV, while also embodying the best advancements in modern Bible typography. The result is an exclusive Bible typeface that is uncompromisingly beautiful, bold, readable at any size, and perfectly suited to the King James Version.Features include: Presentation page to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or a note 15 Books of the Apocrypha placed between the Old and New Testaments for spiritual insight and historical context for certain books of the Bible Old Testament and New Testament books include over 73,000 center column cross-references and translator notes allow you to find related passages quickly and easily Book introductions for Old Testament, Apocrypha, and New Testament provide a concise overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read "About the Apocrypha" article describes what the apocrypha is and its importance “About the Bible” article "How to Study the Bible" article for tips on how to find deeper truths in Scripture "Getting to Know God" article is a guide to a personal relationship with God "Between the Testaments" article for historical context leading up to the New Testament The History of the Red-Letter Bible" article "30 Days Getting to Know God" reading plan for key passages for a better understanding of key characteristic of God "30 Days Getting to Know Jesus" reading plan for a highlight of key moments in Jesus’ earthly ministry Full-color maps show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Two satin ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Durable Smyth-sewn binding lies flat in your hand or on your desk Clear and readable 9.5-point KJV Comfort Print In 1611 the King James Bible was published and authorized by the monarch of England and Scotland. Today, more than 400 years since its initial publication, the KJV is considered one of the most influential and beautiful works of the English language and continues to be the favorite translation for millions of Christians worldwide.

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  • KJV Holy Bible with Apocrypha and 73,000 Center-Column Cross References, Brown Leathersoft, Red Letter, Comfort Print (Thumb Indexed): King James Version

    Thomas Nelson Publishers KJV Holy Bible with Apocrypha and 73,000 Center-Column Cross References, Brown Leathersoft, Red Letter, Comfort Print (Thumb Indexed): King James Version

    1 in stock

    Enjoy the unmatched beauty of the King James Version combined with the readability of Thomas Nelson’s exclusive KJV Comfort Print® typeface, all in a Bible that includes over 73,000 cross references and the Apocrypha.In this edition, the literary beauty of the King James Version is paired with the readability of Thomas Nelson's Comfort Print for an unrivaled reading experience. Helpful resources are included, such as red-letter words of Christ, cross references in a center column, reading plans, and more.The KJV Comfort Print Typeface was designed to be the most readable at any size. On a special commission, 2K/Denmark sought to reflect Thomas Nelson's rich 200-year tradition with the KJV, while also embodying the best advancements in modern Bible typography. The result is an exclusive Bible typeface that is uncompromisingly beautiful, bold, readable at any size, and perfectly suited to the King James Version.Features include: Presentation page to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or a note 15 Books of the Apocrypha placed between the Old and New Testaments for spiritual insight and historical context for certain books of the Bible Old Testament and New Testament books include over 73,000 center column cross-references and translator notes allow you to find related passages quickly and easily Book introductions for Old Testament, Apocrypha, and New Testament provide a concise overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read "About the Apocrypha" article describes what the apocrypha is and its importance “About the Bible” article "How to Study the Bible" article for tips on how to find deeper truths in Scripture "Getting to Know God" article is a guide to a personal relationship with God "Between the Testaments" article for historical context leading up to the New Testament The History of the Red-Letter Bible" article "30 Days Getting to Know God" reading plan for key passages for a better understanding of key characteristic of God "30 Days Getting to Know Jesus" reading plan for a highlight of key moments in Jesus’ earthly ministry Full-color maps show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Two satin ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Durable Smyth-sewn binding lies flat in your hand or on your desk Clear and readable 9.5-point KJV Comfort Print In 1611 the King James Bible was published and authorized by the monarch of England and Scotland. Today, more than 400 years since its initial publication, the KJV is considered one of the most influential and beautiful works of the English language and continues to be the favorite translation for millions of Christians worldwide.

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  • Christian Belief for Everyone: The Spirit of Grace

    SPCK Publishing Christian Belief for Everyone: The Spirit of Grace

    1 in stock

    One of the world's most popular theologians explores the comforting yet mysterious place of the Holy Spirit in the life of faith. The fourth volume in this highly engaging series of study guides to the basics of Christian belief looks at the Holy Spirit, human nature, the doctrine of grace, and the place of the church in the Christian life. Full of stories and helpful illustrations, the material has been tested out on congregations to ensure that it is enjoyable, useful, and easy to read! Spirit of the Living God follows the well-received Faith and the Creeds (February 2013), The Living God (September 2013) and Lord and Saviour: Jesus of Nazareth (April 2014). The Christian Life and Hope will be published in April 2015.

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