
3302 products

  • Apology. De Spectaculis. Minucius Felix: Octavius

    Harvard University Press Apology. De Spectaculis. Minucius Felix: Octavius

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    Austere apologetics.Q. Septimus Florens Tertullianus (ca. AD 150–222) was born a soldier’s son at Carthage, educated in Greek and Roman literature, philosophy, and medicine, and later studied law to became a pleader, remaining a clever and often tortuous arguer. At Rome he became a learned and militant Christian. After visiting churches in Greece (and Asia Minor?) he returned to Carthage and in his writings there founded a Christian Latin language and literature, toiling to fuse enthusiasm with reason; to unite the demands of the Bible with the practice of the Church; and to continue to vindicate the Church’s possession of the true doctrine in the face of unbelievers, Jews, Gnostics, and others. In some of his many works he defended Christianity, in others he attacked heretical people and beliefs; in others he dealt with morals. In this volume are his Apologeticus and De Spectaculis. Of Minucius, an early Christian writer of unknown date, we have only Octavius, a vigorous and readable debate between an unbeliever and a Christian friend of Minucius, the lawyer Octavius Ianuarius. Minucius himself acts as presiding judge. Octavius wins the argument. The whole work presents a picture of social and religious conditions in Rome, apparently about the end of the second century.

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  • Ecclesiastical History, Volume II: Books 4–5. Lives of the Abbots. Letter to Egbert

    Harvard University Press Ecclesiastical History, Volume II: Books 4–5. Lives of the Abbots. Letter to Egbert

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    Abbatial annals of medieval England.Bede “the Venerable,” English theologian and historian, was born in AD 672 or 673 in the territory of the single monastery at Wearmouth and Jarrow. He was ordained deacon (691–2) and priest (702–3) of the monastery, where his whole life was spent in devotion, choral singing, study, teaching, discussion, and writing. Besides Latin he knew Greek and possibly Hebrew.Bede’s theological works were chiefly commentaries, mostly allegorical in method, based with acknowledgment on Jerome, Augustine, Ambrose, Gregory, and others, but bearing his own personality. In another class were works on grammar and one on natural phenomena; special interest in the vexed question of Easter led him to write about the calendar and chronology. But his most admired production is his Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation. Here a clear and simple style united with descriptive powers to produce an elegant work, and the facts diligently collected from good sources make it a valuable account. Historical also are his Lives of the Abbots of his monastery, the less successful accounts (in verse and prose) of Cuthbert, and the Letter (November 734) to Egbert his pupil, so important for our knowledge about the Church in Northumbria.The Loeb Classical Library edition of Bede’s historical works is in two volumes.

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  • The Vulgate Bible: Volume II The Historical Books: Douay-Rheims Translation: Part A

    Harvard University Press The Vulgate Bible: Volume II The Historical Books: Douay-Rheims Translation: Part A

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    This is the second volume, in two parts, of a projected six-volume set of the complete Vulgate Bible.Compiled and translated in large part by Saint Jerome at the turn of the fifth century CE, the Vulgate Bible was used from the early medieval period through the twentieth century in the Western Christian (and later specifically Catholic) tradition. It influenced literature, visual arts, music, and education during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and its contents lay at the heart of Western theological, intellectual, artistic, and even political history during that period. At the end of the sixteenth century, as Protestant vernacular Bibles became available, professors at a Catholic college first at Douay, then at Rheims, translated the Vulgate Bible into English, primarily to combat the influence of rival theologies. Volume II presents the Historical Books of the Bible, which tell of Joshua’s leading the Israelites into the Promised Land, the judges and kings, Israel’s steady departure from God’s precepts, the Babylonian Captivity, and the return from exile. The focus then shifts to shorter, intimate narratives: the pious Tobit, whose son’s quest leads him to a cure for his father’s blindness; Judith, whose courage and righteousness deliver the Israelites from the Assyrians; and Esther and Mordecai, who saved all the Jews living under Ahasuerus from execution. These three tales come from books that were canonical in the Middle Ages but now are often called “apocryphal,” with the partial exception of the Book of Esther.

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  • NLT Teen Life Application Study Bible, Brown

    Tyndale House Publishers NLT Teen Life Application Study Bible, Brown

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  • Relics, Apocalypse, and the Deceits of History: Ademar of Chabannes, 989–1034

    Harvard University Press Relics, Apocalypse, and the Deceits of History: Ademar of Chabannes, 989–1034

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    This unusual biographical work traces the life and career of Ademar of Chabannes, a monk, historian, liturgist, and hagiographer who lived at the turn of the first Christian millennium. Thanks to the unique collection of over one thousand folios of autograph manuscript that Ademar left behind, Richard Landes has been able to reconstruct in great detail the development of Ademar's career and the events of his day, and to suggest several major revisions in the general picture held by current medieval historiography.Above all, the author's research confirms and elaborates the realization (first articulated over sixty years ago by the historian Louis Saltet) that in 1029 Ademar suffered a humiliating defeat at the height of his career and spent his final five years feverishly producing a dossier of forgeries and fictions about his own contemporaries that has few parallels in the annals on medieval forgery. Not only did that dossier of forgeries succeed in misleading historians from the twelfth century right up to the twentieth, but few historians have been willing to explore the implications of so striking a revision in Ademar's biography. Richard Landes is the first to systematically examine the evidence and the implications for our understanding of the period, and he offers an explanation of how these remarkable developments might have occurred.

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  • Our Divine Double

    Harvard University Press Our Divine Double

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    What if you were to discover that you were not entirely you, but rather one half of a whole, that you had, in other words, a divine double? In the second and third centuries CE, this idea gripped the religious imagination of the Eastern Mediterranean, providing a distinctive understanding of the self that has survived in various forms throughout the centuries, down to the present. Our Divine Double traces the rise of this ancient idea that each person has a divine counterpart, twin, or alter-ego, and the eventual eclipse of this idea with the rise of Christian conciliar orthodoxy.Charles Stang marshals an array of ancient sources: from early Christianity, especially texts associated with the apostle Thomas “the twin”; from Manichaeism, a missionary religion based on the teachings of the “apostle of light” that had spread from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean; and from Neoplatonism, a name given to the renaissance of Platonism associated with the third-century philosopher Plotinus. Each of these traditions offers an understanding of the self as an irreducible unity-in-duality. To encounter one’s divine double is to embark on a path of deification that closes the gap between image and archetype, human and divine.While the figure of the divine double receded from the history of Christianity with the rise of conciliar orthodoxy, it survives in two important discourses from late antiquity: theodicy, or the problem of evil; and Christology, the exploration of how the Incarnate Christ is both human and divine.

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  • The Blackwell Reader in Pastoral and Practical Theology

    John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Reader in Pastoral and Practical Theology

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    Provides an overview of pastoral and practical theology in the form of articles and extracts with commentary. Presents pastoral and practical theology within a theoretical framework Contains classic readings together with newly commissioned articles Engages with practical theologies from both sides of the Atlantic

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  • Thomas Aquinas's Summa theologiae: A Biography

    Princeton University Press Thomas Aquinas's Summa theologiae: A Biography

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    The life and times of the most important theological work of medieval ChristendomThomas Aquinas’s Summa theologiae holds a unique place in Western religion and philosophy. Written between 1266 and 1273, it was conceived by Aquinas as an instructional guide for teachers and novices and a compendium of all the approved teachings of the Catholic Church. It synthesizes an astonishing range of scholarship, covering hundreds of topics and containing more than a million and a half words—and was still unfinished at the time of Aquinas’s death. Bernard McGinn, one of today’s most acclaimed scholars of medieval Christianity, traces the remarkable life of this iconic work, examining Aquinas’s reasons for writing it, its subject matter, and the novel way he organized it. McGinn looks at the influence of Aquinas’s masterpiece on such giants of medieval Christendom as Meister Eckhart, its ridicule during the Enlightenment, the role of the Summa in the post–Vatican II church, and the book’s enduring relevance today.

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  • NIV Larger Print Soft-tone Bible: Sunflowers

    John Murray Press NIV Larger Print Soft-tone Bible: Sunflowers

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    This vibrant yellow soft-tone NIV Bible with cheerful sunflower design has 11pt print, making it easier to read for those who prefer larger text. The text is very clearly laid out on the page in two elegant columns, with minimal show-though. The interior design is the same as the standard NIV Popular Bible (ISBN 9781444701500). The pagination is also the same, so everyone can turn to the same page when a reference is given out in church.As well as a slipcase, presentation page and yellow ribbon marker, this edition also features Old and New Testament maps, shortcuts to key stories, events and people of the Bible, a reading plan and Bible guide, quick links to find inspiration and help in different life situations, and British spelling, grammar and punctuation.Royalties from all sales of the NIV Bible help Biblica, formerly the International Bible Society, in their work of translating and distributing Bibles around the world.

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  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Letters and Papers from Prison: A Biography

    Princeton University Press Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Letters and Papers from Prison: A Biography

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    For fascination, influence, inspiration, and controversy, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Letters and Papers from Prison is unmatched by any other book of Christian reflection written in the twentieth century. A Lutheran pastor and theologian, Bonhoeffer spent two years in Nazi prisons before being executed at age thirty-nine, just a month before the German surrender, for his role in the plot to kill Hitler. The posthumous Letters and Papers from Prison has had a tremendous impact on both Christian and secular thought since it was first published in 1951, and has helped establish Bonhoeffer's reputation as one of the most important Protestant thinkers of the twentieth century. In this, the first history of the book's remarkable global career, National Book Award-winning author Martin Marty tells how and why Letters and Papers from Prison has been read and used in such dramatically different ways, from the cold war to today. In his late letters, Bonhoeffer raised tantalizing questions about the role of Christianity and the church in an increasingly secular world. Marty tells the story of how, in the 1960s and the following decades, these provocative ideas stirred a wide range of thinkers and activists, including civil rights and antiapartheid campaigners, "death-of-God" theologians, and East German Marxists. In the process of tracing the eventful and contested history of Bonhoeffer's book, Marty provides a compelling new perspective on religious and secular life in the postwar era.

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  • Images and Symbols: Studies in Religious Symbolism

    Princeton University Press Images and Symbols: Studies in Religious Symbolism

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    Mircea Eliade--one of the most renowned expositors of the psychology of religion, mythology, and magic--shows that myth and symbol constitute a mode of thought that not only came before that of discursive and logical reasoning, but is still an essential function of human consciousness. He describes and analyzes some of the most powerful and ubiquitous symbols that have ruled the mythological thinking of East and West in many times and at many levels of cultural development.

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  • Diary of a Disciple: Peter and Paul's Story

    Scripture Union Publishing Diary of a Disciple: Peter and Paul's Story

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  • Equal: What the Bible Says about Women, Men, and Authority

    David C Cook Publishing Company Equal: What the Bible Says about Women, Men, and Authority

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  • Get Out of Your Head Bible Study Leader's Guide: A Study in Philippians

    HarperChristian Resources Get Out of Your Head Bible Study Leader's Guide: A Study in Philippians

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    Are your thoughts holding you captive? I’ll never be good enough. Other people have better lives than I do. God couldn’t really love me. The visionary behind the million-strong IF:Gathering, Jennie Allen, challenges you to exercise your God-given power to shift negative thinking patterns and take back control of your thoughts and emotions. In Get Out of Your Head, Jennie gives us tools from the book of Philippians to stop the spiral of toxic thoughts, and transform our emotions, our outlook, and even our circumstances, by taking control of our minds. We can find freedom from the downward spiral by: Taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ Shifting the focus of our minds from our circumstances to God Fighting toxic thoughts with weapons of humility, silence, and delight Escaping our comfort zones with weapons of connection, intentionality and gratitude Learning to forget what's behind so we can move ahead Defeating anxiety with a mind like Christ's The Get Out of Your Head Leader's Guide serves as a tool to prepare you in leading this study and to encourage you along the way. It helps you as the leader to effectively point your group to the overarching theme of each lesson. This guide includes: The vision for Get Out of Your Head. Session-by-session helps to guide your group through the study, addressing the needs of the various types of learners in your group. Walk-through for using each piece of the study: Videos, Study Guide, and the Conversation Cards. Tips for leading a group, and much more. Designed for use with the following items, each sold separately: Get Out of Your Head Study Guide (9780310116370). Get Out of Your Head Video Study (9780310116394). Streaming video access included. Get Out of Your Head Conversation Card Deck (9780310116417). EBook version (9780310130437) also available.

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  • The Folger Library Edition of The Works of Richard Hooker: Volume IV: Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity: Attack and Response

    Harvard University Press The Folger Library Edition of The Works of Richard Hooker: Volume IV: Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity: Attack and Response

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    We turn to Richard Hooker to understand the intellectual background of the Renaissance. He sets forth in his writing the ethical, political, and religious assumptions of his age. This magnificent old-spelling edition of Hooker’s works has long been needed, and is being greeted with universal admiration.Volume Four presents the text of the first and only major attack on the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity—namely, A Christian Letter, 1599—with Hooker’s marginal notes made on his own copy of the Letter; and the more extensive essays which he left in manuscript, written in preparation for a published reply. The importance of these notes and essays lies in their expansion of some of the more controversial points made in the Laws, and in the light they shed on Hooker, his personality, method, and sources.John Booty’s Introduction and substantial commentary place Hooker’s arguments firmly in their historical and theological contexts.

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  • The Bible Code

    Simon & Schuster The Bible Code

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  • Buddhism For Dummies

    John Wiley & Sons Inc Buddhism For Dummies

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    Your hands-on guide to this widely practiced and ancient religion Buddhism, one of the world's most widely practiced religions, is a fascinating yet complex eastern religion that is rapidly spreading throughout western civilization. What does it mean to be a Buddhist? What are the fundamental beliefs and history behind this religion? Buddhism For Dummies explores these questions and more in this updated guide to Buddhist culture. You'll gain an understanding of the origins of this ancient practice and how they're currently applied to everyday life. Whether you're a searcher of truth, a student of religions, or just curious about what makes Buddhism such a widely practiced religion, this guide is for you. In plain English, it defines the important terms, explains the key concepts, and explores in-depth a wide range of fascinating topics. New and expanded coverage on all the schools of Buddhism, including Theravada, Tibetan, and Mahayana The continuing relevance of the Dalai Lama Updated coverage on daily observances, celebrations, styles, practices, meditation, and more Continuing the Dummies tradition of making the world's religions engaging and accessible to everyone, Buddhism For Dummies is your essential guide to this fascinating religion. P.S. If you think this book seems familiar, you�re probably right. The Dummies team updated the cover and design to give the book a fresh feel, but the content is the same as the previous release of Buddhism For Dummies (9781118023792). The book you see here shouldn�t be considered a new or updated product. But if you�re in the mood to learn something new, check out some of our other books. We�re always writing about new topics!

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  • The God Delusion

    Houghton Mifflin The God Delusion

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  • Living is Dying: How to Prepare for Death, Dying and Beyond

    Shambhala Publications Inc Living is Dying: How to Prepare for Death, Dying and Beyond

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  • Poems and Short Stories: 25

    Windhorse Publications Poems and Short Stories: 25

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    `It is its spiritual background which gives to Sangharakshita's poetry its depth and emotional appeal. It rests on the inner parallelism between the most fundamental human emotions and the highest experiences on the path of liberation and enlightenment, the relationship between love and wisdom, the individual and the universal, the moods of Nature and the moods of the human heart.' - Lama Anagarika Govinda In his preface to the Complete Poems published in 1994 Sangharakshita wrote that his poems 'constitute a sort of spiritual autobiography, sketchy indeed, but perhaps revealing, or at least suggesting, aspects of my life that would not otherwise be known'. He wrote many more poems after that, and more from his early years have come to light. This volume contains all of them, offering a truly complete collection, and also includes six short stories, written over many years and some of them previously unpublished, also shedding new light on the imagination and perceptions of their author. The volume is prefaced by a foreword and two essays introducing the poems in different ways, and also contains edited versions of two talks Sangharakshita gave about specific poems, and a sequence of conversations about his poetry that were recorded towards the end of his life.

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  • The Philokalia Vol 3

    Faber & Faber The Philokalia Vol 3

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    The Philokalia is a collection of texts on prayer and the spiritual life, written between the fourth and fifteenth centuries by spiritual masters of the Orthodox Christian tradition. First published in Greek in 1782, translated into Slavonic and later into Russian, The Philokalia has had a decisive influence upon the Orthodox Church during the last two centuries, and it continues to be read more and more widely.The Philokalia is devoted to themes of universal significance: how we may develop our inner powers and awake from illusion; how we may overcome fragmentation and achieve wholeness; how we may attain contemplative stillness and union with God.This is the first complete translation into English. It is made from the original Greek, and is to be completed in five volumes. The third volume contains works dating from the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Peter of Damaskos, the chief author included, offers a clear and comprehensive survey of the spiritual way, quoting abundantly from earlier writers. Symeon Metaphratis, in his paraphrase of Makarios, stresses the central place of the Holy Spirit. As in the first two volumes, the editors have provided introductory notes to each of the writers, a glossary of key terms, and a detailed index.

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  • Unshakable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of God

    Thomas Nelson Publishers Unshakable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of God

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    What feels shaky in your world? Maybe you feel hurt by the past, disappointed by the present, or worried about the future. If so, there is hope. For every problem in life, God has given you a promise.In the New York Times bestselling book, Unshakable Hope, Max Lucado unpacks 12 of the Bible’s most significant promises, equipping you to overcome difficult circumstances by keeping your focus on the hope found in the promises of Scripture.Whether it’s heart disease or cancer, job failure or addiction, natural disasters or family disasters, mass murders or mental illness, there are so many reasons to be overwhelmed and hope can feel hard to come by. Now more than ever, we need the definitive declarations of our mighty and loving God.In this book, you will be reminded that God’s promises are irrevocable because: God is unchanging God is faithful God is strong God cannot lie What is your life built on—the circumstances of life or the promises of God? The answer to that question changes everything. Join Max as he takes a closer look at Scripture’s unbreakable promises and shows you how to live with unshakable hope.

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  • NRSV Catholic Edition Gift Bible, Black Leathersoft (Comfort Print, Holy Bible, Complete Catholic Bible, NRSV CE): Holy Bible

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  • Catholic Theology

    Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Catholic Theology

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    Rowland showcases here the dominant contemporary approaches to doing Catholic theology. Chapter 1 offers a summary of the two International Theological Commission (ITC) documents on the discipline of Catholic theology. These documents set out the general principles which should govern any approach to Catholic theology (at least according to the ITC). The subsequent chapters each focus on one of four different approaches frequently found in contemporary Catholic academies: the approach of Thomists, members of the Communio milieu, members of the Concilium milieu and promoters of different varieties of Liberation Theology. Rowland's work is pitched at the level of first time students of theology who are trying to make sense of the methodological choices which undergird the different approaches to Catholic theology. Rowland concludes with four appendices: a list of all Doctors of the Church, a list of all encyclicals since the 19th century, a list of the documents of the Second Vatican Council, and a list of definitions of the various Christological heresies which were the subject of the debates of the early Church Councils. These appendices will provide useful reference tables for young scholars, including seminarians.

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  • The Rice Seedling Sutra: Buddha's Teaching on Dependent Arising

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  • The Tantra Without Syllables (Volume 3) and The Blazing Lamp Tantra (Volume 4): A Translation of the Yigé Mepai Gyu (Vol. 3) A Translation of the Drönma Barwai Gyu and Mutik Trengwa Gyupa (Vol 4)

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  • A Grief Observed

    Faber & Faber A Grief Observed

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    The perennial classic: this intimate journal chronicling the Narnia author's experience of grief after his wife's death has consoled readers for half a century with its 'sensitive and eloquent' magic (Hilary Mantel)'An intimate, anguished account of a man grappling with the mysteries of faith and love ... Elegant and raw ... A powerful record of thought and emotion experienced in real time.' Guardian 'Raw and modern ... This unsentimental, even bracing, account of one man's dialogue with despair becomes both compelling and consoling ... A contemporary classic.' Observer'A source of great consolation ... Lewis deploys his genius for vivid imagery ... It is a relief for the reader to find that he or she is not alone in the intense loneliness or feelings of anguish that bereavement brings.' Henry Marsh, The Times'Testimony from a sensitive and eloquent witness [on] 'The Human Condition'. It offers an interrogation of experience and a glimmer of hardwon hope. It allows one bewildered mind to reach out to another. Death is no barrier to that.' Hilary Mantel'Here, sorrow and despair, the tiredness and numbness and petulance and nightmarishness of grief, all have their full, uncontrolled, experienced force ... [Such] radical openness ... Brilliant.' Francis Spufford***No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear.Narnia author C.S. Lewis had been married to his wife for four blissful years. When she died of cancer, he found himself alone, inconsolable in his grief. In this intimate journal, he chronicles the aftermath of the bereavement and mourning with blazing honesty. He grapples with a crisis of religious faith, navigating hope, rage, despair, and love - but eventually regains his bearings, finding his way back to life.A luminous modern classic, A Grief Observed has offered solace to countless readers for decades. This companion edition combines the original text with personal responses from Hilary Mantel, Rowan Williams, Francis Spufford, Maureen Freely, Kate Saunders, Jessica Martin and Jenna Bailey.***What readers are saying:'A truly great book - inspirational and untold help.' 'Every human being, living or dead, understands what Lewis means ... One of the most valuable books ever written.' 'Lewis, as always, sits down next to you and validates your grief like a true friend. He lets you rage, and cry, and even be furious with God, just as he did.''If you are grieving an enormous loss, you may find comfort here ... A great mind and wonderful writer who understands your grief well enough to put words to it.''His journal was also my journal as I worked through my own grief. Reading this book was actually comforting in that I knew that someone else understood my situation and offered insight and hope ... I highly recommend this book for anyone who has gone through the death of a loved one or who wants to comfort." 'This little book has had me in floods of tears [and] shows a real understanding of grief ... To read the words of this great man who shared and understood my pain and is a life affirming and faith affirming experience.'

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  • Approaching the Atonement – The Reconciling Work of Christ

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  • KJV, Pew Bible, Hardcover, Blue, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, King James Version

    Thomas Nelson Publishers KJV, Pew Bible, Hardcover, Blue, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, King James Version

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    The Thomas Nelson KJV Pew Bible has long been a trusted and durable Bible for use in churches and various worship settings. This edition is published in large KJV Comfort Print type, which was designed exclusively for Thomas Nelson to be the most readable at any size.The classic King James Version, one of the most influential and beautiful works of art in the English language, continues to be the standard translation for numerous churches and millions of Christians. This bestselling Bible translation has helped inspire, encourage, and strengthen people from all walks of life.Invite your eyes to linger and engage God’s Word with new, easy-to-read Comfort Print® KJV Bibles from Thomas Nelson. Blending modern technology with old-world craftsmanship, Comfort Print® KJV Bibles are designed with exclusive fonts, reflecting the beautiful and timeless character of the King James translation, to enhance your scripture reading experience.Bullet points: Words of Christ in red help you quickly identify Jesus’ teachings and statements Miracles and parables of Jesus call out important events during Jesus’ earthly ministry Full color maps show the layout of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Easy-to-read 9.2-point KJV Comfort Print

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  • The Arts as Witness in Multifaith Contexts

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  • Chasing Vines Group Experience

    Tyndale House Publishers Chasing Vines Group Experience

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  • The Life of the Syrian Saint Barsauma: Eulogy of a Hero of the Resistance to the Council of Chalcedon

    University of California Press The Life of the Syrian Saint Barsauma: Eulogy of a Hero of the Resistance to the Council of Chalcedon

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    Andrew N. Palmer’s vivid translation of the Syriac Life of Barsauma opens a fascinating window onto the ancient Middle East, seen through the life and actions of one of its most dramatic and ambiguous characters: the monk Barsauma, ascetic hero to some, religious terrorist to others. The Life takes us into the eye of the storm that raged around Christian attempts to define the nature of Christ in the great Council of Chalcedon, the effect of which was to split the growing Church irrevocably, with the Oriental Orthodox on one side and Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic on the other. Previously known only in extracts, this ancient text is now finally brought to readers in its entirety, casting dramatic new light on the relations among pagans, Jews, and Christians in the Holy Land and on the role of religious violence, real or imagined, in the mental world of a Middle East as shot through with conflict as it is today.

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  • The Complete Bible Prophecy Chart

    Harvest House Publishers,U.S. The Complete Bible Prophecy Chart

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    A panorama of the ages on one full-color master chart created by prophecy experts Tim LaHaye and Thomas Ice! Beginning with eternity past and looking all the way to the prophetic future, LaHaye and Ice provide a compelling overview of the key points and events described in Bible history.Certain to become a much-used resource, God's Prophetic Plan Chart provides a unique and handy reference tool for Bible teachers and everyone interested in future events. (Basic chart included in Charting the End Times.)

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  • Charting the Bible Chronologically: A Visual Guide to God's Unfolding Plan

    Harvest House Publishers,U.S. Charting the Bible Chronologically: A Visual Guide to God's Unfolding Plan

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    God's Plan Made Clear from Beginning to End The Bible follows the rise and fall of kingdoms and governments, covers millennia of ancient history, and reveals God's plan for humanity through powerful accounts that still speak today. Charting the Bible Chronologically by authors Ed Hindson and Thomas Ice gives readers a panoramic view of the events recorded in Scripture, all laid out in chronological order. Included in this book's 40-plus full-color charts are... timelines of biblical history overviews of major empires a master foldout chart of the entire Bible From "In the beginning" to the New Jerusalem, this theologically sound and easy-to-understand compilation provides the big picture of what God has done, is doing, and will do. Charting the Bible Chronologically is an unparalleled visual resource for new believers and Bible scholars alike.

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  • The Prayers of Jane Austen

    Harvest House Publishers,U.S. The Prayers of Jane Austen

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    You know Jane Austen as the beloved author of Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and other witty, insightful novels of the early nineteenth century. Now come to know her as a woman of unexpected spiritual depth. Jane Austen wrote beautiful, heartfelt prayers for use during her family's evening devotions. Each one reveals her gratitude for God's blessings and her pursuit of a holy life—expressions of a woman whose heart was profoundly moved by faith.In this beautifully designed book, author Terry Glaspey introduces you to Jane Austen the Christian by sharing this powerful collection of prayers and also a glimpse into her life story and the impact she had as a writer of virtue, character, and morality.

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  • Unshackled – Breaking the Strongholds of Your Past to Receive Complete Deliverance

    Baker Publishing Group Unshackled – Breaking the Strongholds of Your Past to Receive Complete Deliverance

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    Jesus didn't come to earth just to save us from hell. He suffered, died, and rose again for the complete deliverance and healing you long for. Soul wounds affect each of us and leave broken places in our lives that need healing. When we seek inner healing but don't also close demonic doorways to the enemy, we simply mask the issue temporarily and may find ourselves in more bondage than we experienced previously. A respected minister of deliverance, Kathy DeGraw will show you through biblical insights, real-life examples, and practical instruction how you can · discern and destroy the root of fear, anger, addictions, rejection, and other strongholds that just won't go away · use repentance, forgiveness, and robust spiritual warfare prayers and declarations to possess freedom · minister deliverance and inner healing to others · and more The Holy Spirit wants to open your eyes to the strongholds that have kept you stuck. It's time to be unshackled and free!

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  • Next – Pastoral Succession That Works

    Baker Publishing Group Next – Pastoral Succession That Works

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    Packed with new research, new interviews, and practical solutions, this updated and expanded edition of Next will equip pastors, ministry teams, and Christian organizations to navigate leadership changes with wisdom and grace. While there is no simple, one-size-fits-all solution to the puzzle of planning for a seamless pastoral succession, Next offers church leaders and pastors a guide to asking the right questions in order to plan for the future. Vanderbloemen, founder of a leading pastoral search firm, and Bird, an award-winning writer and researcher, share insider stories of succession failures and successes in dozens of churches, including some of the nation's most influential. The authors demystify successful pastoral succession and help you prepare for an even brighter future for your ministry. Includes a foreword by John Ortberg and an introduction by Eric Geiger and Kenton Beshore.

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  • I Choose Brave – Embracing Holy Courage and Understanding Godly Fear

    Baker Publishing Group I Choose Brave – Embracing Holy Courage and Understanding Godly Fear

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    What if fear is the new brave? That's the question that you need answered if you are living afraid. Finding courage begins with fear itself--fear of the Lord. I Choose Brave reveals a countercultural plan to help you where you are--knee-deep in fears of parenting, the future, your marriage, and a world that feels unstable. When you're feeling fearful, the last thing you need is a social-media meme telling you to simply "power through" your fears. In I Choose Brave, Katie Westenberg digs deep into Scripture and shows that finding the courage to overcome our fears must start with fear of the Lord. Hundreds of passages speak to this foundational truth, yet we have somehow relegated them to antiquity. In sharing her own compelling story of facing her worst fear, Katie serves up theological truth with relatable application. In this book, you will · discover a fresh take on an old truth that displaces fear once and for all · understand why the culture's idea of "fearlessness" is a farce · access the holy courage you were made for With this new knowledge comes tremendous freedom. Hidden in the cleft of the Rock, the One truly worthy of our fear, you will begin to understand the only path to real courage.

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  • Entering the Castle: Finding the Inner Path to God and Your Soul's Purpose

    1 in stock


  • The Caged Virgin: An Emancipation Proclamation for Women and Islam

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  • The Druidic Art of Divination: Understanding the Past and Seeing into the Future

    Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Druidic Art of Divination: Understanding the Past and Seeing into the Future

    1 in stock

    A complete guide to the techniques of the pre-Celtic Druids for understanding the past, present, and future In this practical guide, Jon G. Hughes shares ancient secret Druidic techniques of divination passed down to him across five generations in an unbroken lineage of influential Welsh Druids. Hughes explains the three forms of divination used by his tradition: interpretive divination, used by readers of the Sevens (small staves with engraved sigils); inductive divination, which includes instructions for reading the wind, reading smoke, and divination using water; and intuitive divination, whose tools includes cup-stones and slate mirrors for scrying. Providing step-by-step instructions for practices in each of the three forms, he offers a wealth of divinatory techniques and explains how to access the altered states of consciousness necessary to read time backward and forward. He also explores the crafting and use of all tools and mixtures the reader will need to perform each type of divination, including botanical compounds, scrying wands, and a slate speculum vitae, the “mirror of life.” He reveals how the prime function of divination in this school of Druidic lore is to gain insight into past, present, and future events through a process of internalizing them, akin to empathy, and then interpreting them. By providing an understanding of pre-Celtic beliefs and clear instructions for Druidic practices, Hughes offers each of us the opportunity to begin our own practical experimentation and journey of discovery into the ancient art of Druidic divination.

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  • How To Know God

    Ebury Publishing How To Know God

    1 in stock

    The bestselling author of Ageless Body, Timeless Mind has written his most ambitious and important work yet - an exploration of the seven ways we experience God. These are shaped, not by any one religion, but by an instinct that is hardwired into the brain. In this remarkable book, Chopra takes us step by step from the first stage, where the brain's 'fight or flight' response leads us to a God who is an all-powerful and sometimes unpredictable parent, to the seventh stage, where the brain experiences God as pure being, beyond thought, a sacred presence. It is at this seventh stage that we attain a true, life-changing spiritual understanding of the world and our place in it; it is the level at which saints and sages dwell. All seven stages are available to each of us, all the time. Deepak Chopra explores mysticism, religious ecstasy, genius, telepathy, multiple personality and clairvoyance, drawing insights from psychology, neurology and physics, as well as from the great religions. The result is vintage Chopra applied to the ultimate quest.

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  • NKJV, Thinline Bible, Leathersoft, Brown, Thumb Indexed, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New King James Version

    Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, Thinline Bible, Leathersoft, Brown, Thumb Indexed, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New King James Version

    1 in stock

    A perfectly-sized NKJV Bible that’s easy to read and lightweight to take with you wherever you go.With a variety of unique and traditional cover designs available, this Bible is beautiful inside and out. Fitting most purses, laptop bags, and glove boxes, the NKJV Value Thinline Bible is a great choice to take with you on the go. Additional features include a finely designed new layout, the words of Christ in red, a reading plan, and full-color maps. Line-matched classic 2-column format Presentation page to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or a note Words of Christ in red help you quickly identify Jesus’ teachings and statements Reading plan guiding you through the entire Bible in a year Full color maps show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Durable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding for years of use Easy-to-read 9-point NKJV Comfort Print

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  • NKJV, Apply the Word Study Bible, Large Print, Leathersoft, Brown, Red Letter: Live in His Steps

    Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, Apply the Word Study Bible, Large Print, Leathersoft, Brown, Red Letter: Live in His Steps

    1 in stock

    The Apply the Word Study Bible brings you to an intimate understanding of the Bible's message, helps you think about it and apply it to your lives. People of all ages and walks of life will enjoy the fresh style of the feature articles, which are directed at helping you approach life with the mind of Christ. You will discover that the Bible is a very practical book, just what is needed to guide you through every day. Featuring the New King James Version, the best translation for Bible study, abundant sidebar articles and vibrant full-color design, the Apply the Word Study Bible is the perfect companion for everyday living.Features include: New King James Version, the best translation for study Large easy-to-read type Hundreds of sidebar articles for seeing the relevance of Scripture for everyday living Insightful introductions to the books of the Bible Informative notes about people and places of Bible times Full-color page design provides a helpful and interesting visual encounter with Scripture Charts, tables and maps provide abundant Bible information Concordance for helpful reference Full-color maps to illustrate the Bible lands 10.5-point type size

    1 in stock


  • Jesus Calling, Large Text Teal Leathersoft, with Full Scriptures: Enjoying Peace in His Presence (a 365-Day Devotional)

    Thomas Nelson Publishers Jesus Calling, Large Text Teal Leathersoft, with Full Scriptures: Enjoying Peace in His Presence (a 365-Day Devotional)

    1 in stock

    Experience a deeper relationship with Jesus as you savor the presence of the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever. With Scripture and personal reflections, New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus' message of peace—for today and every day.Jesus Calling is your yearlong guide to living a more peaceful life. The Jesus Calling® brand has impacted more than 40 million lives!By spending time in the presence of the Savior with the much-loved devotions in Jesus Calling, you will: Feel comforted by words of hope and encouragement Be reassured of Jesus' unending love for you Receive gentle guidance based on Scripture Strengthen your faith with Scripture verses Connect with Jesus further with reflection and meditation based on God’s Word Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to you, Jesus Calling invites you to experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is always with you.This edition features 365 devotions and is sure to be a favorite in the popular Jesus Calling® line. The vibrant teal cover with foil has feminine floral touches, giving a gorgeous, elegant feel, along with large text and written-out Scripture verses. This edition resonates with women and makes a wonderful gift for Mother’s Day, Easter, birthdays, or for self-purchase.

    1 in stock


  • NKJV, Apply the Word Study Bible, Hardcover: Live in His Steps

    Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, Apply the Word Study Bible, Hardcover: Live in His Steps

    1 in stock

    The Apply the Word Study Bible brings you to an intimate understanding of the Bible's message, helps you think about it and apply it to your lives. People of all ages and walks of life will enjoy the fresh style of the feature articles, which are directed at helping you approach life with the mind of Christ. You will discover that the Bible is a very practical book, just what is needed to guide you through every day. Featuring the New King James Version, the best translation for Bible study, abundant sidebar articles and vibrant full-color design, the Apply the Word Study Bible is the perfect companion for everyday living.Features include: New King James Version, the best translation for study Hundreds of sidebar articles for seeing the relevance of Scripture for everyday living Insightful introductions to the books of the Bible Informative notes about people and places of Bible times Full-color page design provides a helpful and interesting visual encounter with Scripture Charts, tables and maps provide abundant Bible information Concordance for helpful reference Full-color maps to illustrate the Bible lands 8.5-point type size

    1 in stock


  • The King James Study Bible, Full-Color Edition, Cloth-bound Hardcover, Red Letter: KJV Holy Bible

    Thomas Nelson Publishers The King James Study Bible, Full-Color Edition, Cloth-bound Hardcover, Red Letter: KJV Holy Bible

    1 in stock

    The full text of the classic King James Version with robust study notes, vibrant full-color images, and dozens of study resources to help you grow deeper in your faith. Published in large easy-to-read print type. Standing apart from all other KJV study Bibles on the market, The King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition is the only Bible featuring over half-a-million words of commentary, doctrinal notes, archaeological insights, and time-tested study aids developed exclusively for the King James Version Bible.Now available with stunning full-color designs, Holy Land images, classic works of art, charts, and maps, The King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition guides you through the vivid beauty and authority of God’s Word as you grow in your biblical knowledge.For over a quarter of a century, Thomas Nelson has earned the trust of millions with the best-selling King James Study Bible, providing the standard of conservative KJV scholarship. Our tradition and commitment to KJV study continues with the release of The King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition.Features include: Beautiful full color throughout. 270 photos of Bible locations, ruins, artifacts, and pieces of art Book introductions, book outlines, and testament introductions provide important and helpful background information, historical context, and content overviews. 5,700 Bottom-of-the-page study notes offer nearly 400,000 words of clear and compelling commentary. 200+ Doctrinal notes unlock the wealth of theological truth in Scripture by detailing 10 major doctrines: the Bible, God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, man, sin, salvation, angels, the church, and last things. 100+ Archaeological notes focus on major places mentioned in Scripture and related archeological discoveries. 100+ Personality profiles give overviews of significant men and women in the Bible. Concordance of over 1,000 terms with 13,000 verses keyed to the Strong's numbering system. Over 200 keywords also include a brief discussion noting the term’s significance. “Topical Index to Christ and the Gospels” of 130 topics with Scripture references organized into 7 helpful subcategories: teachings, events, miracles, parables, conversations, healings, and prophecies. “Teachings and Illustrations of Christ” of over 430 entries with Scripture references. “Topical Index to Paul and His Letters” of 170 topics with Scripture references organized into 7 helpful subcategories: doctrine, precept, prophecy, conversation, event, healing, and visit. “Topical Index to End Times Prophecy” of 7 topics (characters, events that unfold, judgments from God, locations, promises and rewards to victors, signs of the times, what believers should do in the meantime) with 52 subtopics. “God’s Answers to Our Concerns” of over 100 topics listed in alphabetical order with Scripture references. “Prayers of the Bible” of nearly 100 prayers in the Bible, who prayed them, and what they prayed about. “Index to Annotations” of topics with significant study notes. Articles that offer tips and information to get the most out of your study of the Bible: “How to Use The King James Study Bible” shows how each feature works with helpful examples and illustrations. “How to Study the Bible” provides tips and strategies for personal and family study and basic principles of Bible interpretation. “Between the Testaments” explains the 400-year history between the Old and New Testaments including important regional and world events, political and military leaders, and societal changes in Palestine. “Harmony of the Gospels” details the life and ministry of Jesus in chronological order showing where each event and teaching occur in the Gospels. “Parables of Christ” shows where you can find 39 parables in the Gospels. “Miracles of Christ” shows where you can find 37 miracles in the Gospels. “Prophecies of The Messiah Fulfilled in Christ” provides 43 Old Testament prophecies and where they have been fulfilled in the New Testament. 32,000 Center-column references linking to over 73,000 related passages and over 22,000 translation notes allow you to follow important words and thoughts throughout Scripture. Maps and charts throughout the Scriptures and in the back show a visual representation of locations and themes in the Bible. Easy-to-read large 10-pt print size

    1 in stock


  • KJV, The King James Study Bible, Leathersoft, Burgundy, Red Letter, Full-Color Edition: Holy Bible, King James Version

    Thomas Nelson Publishers KJV, The King James Study Bible, Leathersoft, Burgundy, Red Letter, Full-Color Edition: Holy Bible, King James Version

    1 in stock

    The full text of the classic King James Version with robust study notes, vibrant full-color images, and dozens of study resources to help you grow deeper in your faith. Published in large easy-to-read print type. Standing apart from all other KJV study Bibles on the market, The King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition is the only Bible featuring over half-a-million words of commentary, doctrinal notes, archaeological insights, and time-tested study aids developed exclusively for the King James Version Bible.Now available with stunning full-color designs, Holy Land images, classic works of art, charts, and maps, The King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition guides you through the vivid beauty and authority of God’s Word as you grow in your biblical knowledge.For over a quarter of a century, Thomas Nelson has earned the trust of millions with the best-selling King James Study Bible, providing the standard of conservative KJV scholarship. Our tradition and commitment to KJV study continues with the release of The King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition.Features include: Beautiful full color throughout. 270 photos of Bible locations, ruins, artifacts, and pieces of art Book introductions, book outlines, and testament introductions provide important and helpful background information, historical context, and content overviews. 5,700 Bottom-of-the-page study notes offer nearly 400,000 words of clear and compelling commentary. 200+ Doctrinal notes unlock the wealth of theological truth in Scripture by detailing 10 major doctrines: the Bible, God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, man, sin, salvation, angels, the church, and last things. 100+ Archaeological notes focus on major places mentioned in Scripture and related archeological discoveries. 100+ Personality profiles give overviews of significant men and women in the Bible. Concordance of over 1,000 terms with 13,000 verses keyed to the Strong's numbering system. Over 200 keywords also include a brief discussion noting the term’s significance. “Topical Index to Christ and the Gospels” of 130 topics with Scripture references organized into 7 helpful subcategories: teachings, events, miracles, parables, conversations, healings, and prophecies. “Teachings and Illustrations of Christ” of over 430 entries with Scripture references. “Topical Index to Paul and His Letters” of 170 topics with Scripture references organized into 7 helpful subcategories: doctrine, precept, prophecy, conversation, event, healing, and visit. “Topical Index to End Times Prophecy” of 7 topics (characters, events that unfold, judgments from God, locations, promises and rewards to victors, signs of the times, what believers should do in the meantime) with 52 subtopics. “God’s Answers to Our Concerns” of over 100 topics listed in alphabetical order with Scripture references. “Prayers of the Bible” of nearly 100 prayers in the Bible, who prayed them, and what they prayed about. “Index to Annotations” of topics with significant study notes. Articles that offer tips and information to get the most out of your study of the Bible: “How to Use The King James Study Bible” shows how each feature works with helpful examples and illustrations. “How to Study the Bible” provides tips and strategies for personal and family study and basic principles of Bible interpretation. “Between the Testaments” explains the 400-year history between the Old and New Testaments including important regional and world events, political and military leaders, and societal changes in Palestine. “Harmony of the Gospels” details the life and ministry of Jesus in chronological order showing where each event and teaching occur in the Gospels. “Parables of Christ” shows where you can find 39 parables in the Gospels. “Miracles of Christ” shows where you can find 37 miracles in the Gospels. “Prophecies of The Messiah Fulfilled in Christ” provides 43 Old Testament prophecies and where they have been fulfilled in the New Testament. 32,000 Center-column references linking to over 73,000 related passages and over 22,000 translation notes allow you to follow important words and thoughts throughout Scripture. Maps and charts throughout the Scriptures and in the back show a visual representation of locations and themes in the Bible. Easy-to-read large 10-pt print size

    1 in stock


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