Search results for ""author andrea""
University of Minnesota Press Young-Girls in Echoland: #Theorizing Tiqqun
Who’s worse, the Young-Girl or the Man-Child? Tiqqun’s Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl is a controversial work of anticapitalist philosophy that has attracted musicians, playwrights, feminist theorists, and men's-rights activists since its publication in 1999. More than twenty years after its publication the international reverberation of Young-Girls shows no signs of weakening. Young-Girls in Echoland: #Theorizing Tiqqun is a guide to this ongoing postdigital conversation, engaging with artworks and textual criticism provoked by Tiqqun’s audacious, arguably misogynistic textual voice. Heather Warren-Crow and Andrea Jonsson show how Tiqqun’s polarizing figure has grown and matured but also stayed unapologetically girly in the works of artists and scholars discussed here. Rethinking the myth of Echo and Narcissus by performing a different kind of listening, they take us on a journey from VSCO girls to basic bitches to vampires.With an ear for the sound of Tiqqun’s polemic and its ensemble of Anglophone and Francophone rejoinders, Young-Girls in Echoland offers a model for analyzing the call-and-response of pop philosophy and for hearing the affective rhythms of communicative capitalism.Forerunners: Ideas First is a thought-in-process series of breakthrough digital publications. Written between fresh ideas and finished books, Forerunners draws on scholarly work initiated in notable blogs, social media, conference plenaries, journal articles, and the synergy of academic exchange. This is gray literature publishing: where intense thinking, change, and speculation take place in scholarship.
Accelerated Education Publications Ltd 11+ Non-verbal Reasoning Year 4/5 Workbook 2: Non-verbal Reasoning Technique
Each technique has a clear explanation, with a worked example, followed by plenty of practice questions. The course prepares children for standard and multiple-choice examination papers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Lifelong Learning and the Roma Minority in Western and Southern Europe
The achievement and success of Roma people in education is at a breaking point across Europe, severely limiting social mobility. Recent research has shown that Roma are the most underrepresented group in schools and other educational institutions. There are an array of policy measures and initiatives across Western and Southern Europe seeking to reverse this and to raise educational access and attainment of the Roma population. This book offers an in-depth exploration into the current educational climate and the impact of these policy measures for Roma people in seven Western and Southern European countries: Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. This book seeks to raise awareness of this forgotten minority and to assess the policies implemented to integrate the Roma people into the education system. Written by experts across Western and Southern Europe and drawing on varied cultural perspectives, this work will help to address the severe lack of information and knowledge about the Roma people available in the public domain. This book will prove invaluable to those in the field of comparative education, educational leaders and practitioners in Western and Southern Europe and beyond.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Tu autoestima es un arte: Una guía para conocerte más y quererte mejor / Your Se lf-Esteem Is a Work of Art: A Guidebook to Know Yourself Better
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La última sultana / The Last Sultana
Valparaíso Ediciones Si el silencio tomara la palabra
Andrea Valbuena es una poeta que no necesita levantar la voz para convencer. Sus versos ?nacidos para ser susurrados como cercanías cálidas? se arremolinan alrededor del fuego del silencio, revelador de las verdades más hondas, ésas que se van desvelando en voz baja a medida que el camino avanza.Raquel Lanseros
Áreas integradas 1 infantil
Mía cumple siete años y va a celebrar una fiesta. Los Mug están invitados, claro, y Troti. Pero qué puede pasar si juntas muchos globos, una tarta, velas encendidas y un unicornio? Puede que algún desastroti!
La chica de hielo
Carmen tiene diecisiete años y un futuro brillante en el patinaje sobre hielo. Feliks es su entrenador personal, y para él Carmen es la favorita para participar en el mundial. Una noche, tras el entrenamiento, Feliks se queda a solas con Carmen y abusa sexualmente de ella. A partir de este momento, Carmen entra en bucle y sobre todo se enfrenta a tres preguntas dificilísimas: Lo cuento? Lo silencio? Quién va a creerme?
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Las Vegas De cerca 1
Trivent Publishing Set Me as a Seal upon Thy Heart: Constructions of Female Sanctity in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Early Modern Period
Set Me as a Seal Upon Thy Heart: Constructions of Female Sanctity in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Early Modern Period is a collection of essays focusing on saintly women's representations both in Eastern and Western Christianity starting from Late Antiquity to the High Middle Ages and Early Modernity. The volume discusses two different categories in relation to the conceptualization of female sanctity: the context of their construction in hagiographic sources and the emergent power rendered by their martyrdoms. It offers a transdisciplinary perspective on the present research carried out in the fields of hagiography, history, and art history.
Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart Gefahr am Strand Buch AudioOnline Mit Annotationen
Referencepoint Press The History of Anime and Manga
New Harbinger Publications The Mindfulness and Meditation Workbook for Anxiety and Depression
People with co-occurring anxiety and depression often struggle with intense emotions, intrusive thoughts, obsessive rumination, and low mood. This workbook offers a powerful and innovative approach blending cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and meditation to help readers find emotional balance, gain distance from negative thoughts, soothe anxiety, feel more confident and assertive, and improve their overall mood and outlook on life.An innovative, 10-week approach to help you balance your emotions, improve your mood, and find lasting calm.Do you struggle with co-occurring anxiety and depression? Do you lay awake at night worrying about the future or ruminating about the past? Are you too tired or unmotivated during the day to do the things you once enjoyed? If so, you aren''t alone, your anxiety and depression are not your fault, and-most importantly-there is hope. Using a breakthrough approach called mindfulness-integrated cognitive behavior therapy (M
Berrett-Koehler The Death of 'Why?'
Hampton Roads Publishing Company Jesus' Little Book of Wisdom: Guidance, Hope, and Comfort for Every Day
Hampton Roads Publishing Company Pope Francis' Little Book of Wisdom: The Essential Teachings
Arcadia Publishing Astoria
Barron's Educational Series Inc.,U.S. How to Write Better Business Letters Barrons How to Write Better Business Letters
Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development Support and Retain Educators of Color: 6 Principles for Culturally Affirming Leadership
Support and Retain Educators of Color sets school leaders on the path to creating a culturally diverse environment where all students and teachers can thrive.Multiple studies have explored the benefits of teacher diversity and strategies to recruit educators of color, but few focus on how to retain them. As professional demands on teachers intensify, many are leaving the classroom—and educators of color, already underrepresented in the field, are walking away at higher rates than their white counterparts. Research indicates the presence of educators of color benefits all students, so we must act now to lessen this financially and culturally costly turnover.Andrea Terrero Gabbadon presents six principles to guide school leaders in their efforts to support and retain educators of color:* Acknowledge that teacher diversity matters.* Cultivate reflection and self-awareness.* Assess and plan for action.* Commit to sustainable and high-impact instructional supports.* Foster supportive environments for culturally responsive approaches.* Lead for an inclusive community.Featuring voices from teachers in the field, research-based strategies and solutions, and recommendations for resources to enhance understanding and practice, Support and Retain Educators of Color is a vital tool for leadership intent on cultivating an affirming, validating, and inclusive school environment to serve a diverse population of staff and students.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Chinese Country Antiques: Vernacular Furniture and Accessories, c. 1780-1920
A new kind of antique Chinese furniture swept onto the market in the early 1990s. It appealed to people who were sure they did not like Chinese furniture, people who were ready for new ideas about Orientalia, and people who couldn't afford the five- and six-figure prices routinely attached to classical Chinese pieces. It struck a surprisingly sympathetic chord with Western tastes, and the prices are still surprisingly low. It comes from the last days of the emperors, and expresses a sense of creative freedom, vigor, and visual elegance. Here are cabinets, tables, chairs, and accessories in various woods and finishes to enhance each room of your home. This third edition offers a comprehensive and compelling look at Chinese country furniture from the consumer's point of view. 380 color images, some in room settings, others with great detail, bring the beautiful designs to life. A guide to pricing makes this a useful tool for collectors and dealers alike. Because of a changing political and economic landscape in China, this late-Ching furniture has flooded Western markets, giving retail customers equal footing with collectors and keeping prices reasonable, for now. Because the quality covers a wide range, it takes an informed buyer to navigate between the real and the not-quite-so-real. The information in this beautiful book will give readers the bearings they need to make the right decisions.
Barron's Educational Series ESL Guide to American Business English
Random House USA Inc A Venetian Affair: A True Tale of Forbidden Love in the 18th Century
HarperCollins Bill Pickett RodeoRidin Cowboy
Buchschmiede HEILsamer Schlaf
Merve Verlag GmbH Females
Hybrid Verlag Märchenhafte Momente
Achse Verlag GmbH Greta
JOVIS Verlag Vegetarian Architecture: Case Studies on Building and Nature
What is “good” architecture? This seemingly simple question is connected to a wide range of criteria—just like the radical quest for “good” food, which has produced a wealth of insights over the past few decades. This book showcases buildings based on simple technology, good craftsmanship, and careful choice of local and natural materials, as well as local development initiatives which demonstrate excellence in building quality, landscape restoration, and community revitalization. The selection of case studies is broad and definitely unconventional: it encompasses Europe and Japan, and privileges lesser-known authors, unobtrusive works, and marginal localities where radically fresh attitudes have been able to develop.
Mabuse-Verlag GmbH Babyernährung kompakt
Christophorus Verlag Mein Atelier Acrylmalerei Struktur Farbe Eindrucksvolle Bilder Step by Step malen
Velber Verlag Das GROSSE AusschneideBastelbuch
Gerstenberg Verlag Mord im Weinkeller 12 Kriminalgeschichten mit ausgesuchten Weinempfehlungen sowie vielen Rezepten fr exquisite Weinbegleitspeisen
Tessloff Verlag WAS IST WAS Erfindungen. Wie Ideen die Welt verändern
Tessloff Verlag WAS IST WAS Meine Welt Band 16 Du und ich anders und gleich
Tessloff Verlag WAS IST WAS Genial clever Kluge Köpfe und ihre Ideen
wbv Media GmbH The Fast Track Labour Market Integration of Immigrants
BoD - Books on Demand Gezeiten des Herzens
Emons Verlag Deine Wahrheit ist der Tod
FISCHER Sauerländer Der große Fischer Weltatlas für Kinder
FISCHER Sauerländer Duden Mein lustiger ZahlenVorschulblock
Mildenberger Verlag GmbH Gute Aufgaben im Mathematikunterricht der Grundschule Thematisierung des Umgangs mit guten Aufgaben in Bezug auf Kerninhalte des Mathematikunterrichts
Guetersloher Verlagshaus Leben mit Auschwitz Momente der Geschichte und Erfahrungen der Dritten Generation
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Lernstufen Mathematik 8 Jahrgangsstufe Mittelschule Bayern Schlerbuch Fr RKlassen
Atlantik Verlag Schenkel A Kalteis
Kampa Verlag Richtet sie hin
Random House USA Inc Big Bird
Meet one of your favorite Sesame Street friends in this bright, adorable photographic board book!Say hello and learn all about Big Bird, the iconic Sesame Street character, in a new Sesame StreetFriends board book illustrated with bold, bright photographs. As babies and toddlers pore over the many sturdy pages, they will be delighted to see Big Bird have fun with friends, cuddle his teddy bear, chat with Snuffleupagus, and much more. It's a book they'll go back to again and again.