Search results for ""TAYLOR FRANCIS""
Taylor & Francis Inc Complete Guide and Toolkit to Successful EHR Adoption
An EHR transformation touches virtually every aspect of a medical practice and brings about an entirely new way of thinking and managing a practice. Regardless of where you are at in your EHR implementation journey--adopting a new EHR or trying to optimize an existing EHR, the Complete Guide and Toolkit to Successful EHR Adoption
Taylor & Francis Ltd Technical Proceedings of the 2005 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show on CD-ROM
Taylor & Francis Ltd Technical Proceedings of the 2004 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show on CD-ROM
Taylor & Francis Inc Model Subdivision Regulations
A major revision of a classic planning text. This book contains a complete model subdivision ordinance for city and county governments as well as more than 100 pages of legal commentary. The model regulations are generally compatible with all state statutes and work in urban, suburban, and rural settings. They show how communities can finance capital facilities, balance new development with existing surroundings, avoid exposure to the legal pitfalls of takings and substantive due process claims, and much more. Two new chapters cover public facilities impact fees and land readjustment. The chapter on impact fees includes a section on regulatory takings law that looks at how prominent U.S. Supreme Court cases have affected property rights, development, and regulation. Each section of the model regulations is followed by insightful commentary that supports, annotates, and documents the text. The authors explore the rationale for using various regulations, basing their arguments on existing statutory authority, case law, and federal constitutional requirements. The commentary identifies and explains changes from the original model regulations. Whether you're drafting new regulations or considering amendments to existing ones, you'll find Model Subdivision Regulations to be an invaluable reference.
Taylor & Francis Inc Advancing Social Work Practice in the Health Care Field: Emerging Issues and New Perspectives
Commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Department of Social Work at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City, this innovative and exciting book traces the growth of the social work mission and the development of vanguard social work programs at Mount Sinai. Leading social work educators and practitioners look at where the profession is today and speculate on where it might be going. Each article is new and original to this book, and each contributor is a distinguished representative from his specialty in the field. Advancing Social Work Practice in the Health Care Field, with its wealth of historical, practical, and theoretical information, reflects today’s state of the art in selected areas and should serve as an information source not only for practitioners and administrators, but also for educators who are committed to enhancing the social work services and the quality of social health care.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Malaspina Expedition 1789–1794: Journal of the Voyage by Alejandro Malaspina. Volume I: Cádiz to Panamá
Among the voyages of exploration and surveying in the late 18th century, that of Alejandro Malaspina best represents the high ideals and scientific interests of the Enlightenment. Italian-born, Malaspina entered the Spanish navy in 1774. In September 1788 he and fellow-officer José Bustamante submitted a plan to the Ministry of Marine for a voyage of survey and inspection to Spanish territories in the Americas and Philippines. The expedition was to produce hydrographic charts for the use of Spanish merchantmen and warships and to report on the political, economic and defensive state of Spain's overseas possessions. The plan was approved and in July 1789 Malaspina and Bustamante sailed from Cádiz in the purpose-built corvettes, Descubierta and Atrevida. On board the vessels were scientists and artists and an array of the latest surveying and astronomical instruments. The voyage lasted more than five years. On his return Malaspina was promoted Brigadier de la Real Armada, and began work on an account of the voyage in seven volumes to dwarf the narratives of his predecessors in the Pacific such as Cook and Bougainville. Among much else, it would contain sweeping recommendations for reform in the governance of Spain's overseas empire. But Malaspina became involved in political intrigue. In November 1795 he was arrested, stripped of his rank and sentenced to life imprisonment. Although released in 1803, Malaspina spent the last seven years of his life in obscure retirement in Italy. He never resumed work on the great edition, and his journal was not published in Spain until 1885. Only in recent years has a multi-volume edition appeared under the auspices of the Museo Naval, Madrid, that does justice to the achievements of what for long was a forgotten voyage. This first volume of a series of three contains Malaspina's diario or journal from 31 July 1789 to 14 December 1790, newly translated into English, with substantial introduction and commentary. Among the places visited and described are Montevideo, Puerto Deseado, Port Egmont, Puerto San Carlos, ValparaÃso, Callao, Guayaquil and Panamá. Other texts include Malaspina's introduction to his intended edition, and his correspondence with the Minister of the Marine before and during the voyage.
Taylor & Francis Inc Exploring Developmental Theories: Toward A Structural/Behavioral Model of Development
Through the evaluation and integration of developmental theories, this volume proposes a new structural/behavioral model of development. Dr. Horowitz’s model helps account for both the behavioral development of children (with extensions across the life-span) and for the universal and non-universal characteristics in human behavioral development. Exploring Developmental Theories also sheds a new and different light on the nature- nurture or heredity-environment controversy and on the topic of continuity and discontinuity in development. Exploring Developmental Theories:*examines the concepts of stage, structure, and systems; organismic theory; and general system theory;*analyzes open and closed systems as well as organismic and mechanistic world views;*integrates the concepts associated with organismic and mechanist world views;*examines learning mechanisms and processes that foster the acquisition of behavior, and*discusses the strengths and weaknesses of Gessel, Piaget, and behaviorism in accounting for behavioral development.
Taylor & Francis Inc Political Trials: Gordian Knots in the Law
Second edition of a book which examines several political trials throughout history, questioning the basic foundations of law, politics and society.
Taylor & Francis Inc Black Families: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
The condition and characteristics of the black family have been subjects of intense debate since at least the 1960s, when the Moynihan Report and the culture of poverty theses held sway. Since then a consistent theme has been that black families are pathological. Despite the fact that research has been inconclusive and contradictory, political debate and policy have been strongly influenced by the pathology theme. This volume presents alternative approaches toward understanding the special characteristics of black families. Extending a special issue of The Review of Black Political Economy, the book focuses on the economic circumstances and decision making of these families, employing Interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives. It examines the general responses of black families to various external factors such as economic systems, and to Internal factors such as interpersonal relationships. This compendium of current thinking and research will be of interest to professionals in a number of fields, Including family studies, counseling, social work, psychology, and sociology. It will be of practical use in training programs for service delivery systems Interested In Incorporating multicultural perspectives, as well as those specifically interested in black families today.
Taylor & Francis Inc Karl Mannheim and Hungarian Marxism
This remarkable work situates the great Karl Mannheim not only in the Austro-Hungarian empire, but in Hungary and especially in the intellectual fever pitch of pre-war Budapest, with its plethora of revisionist Marxists, anarchists, and intellectuals from a variety of areas who brought radical ideas into the mainstream of biological and social sciences. As Gabel reminds us, Budapest provided a special environment in which the cross-currents of Europe met, and was uniquely devoid of the xenophobia and militarism of so many other parts of Europe.The volume serves as a useful introduction to the force and character of Marxism in Central Europe. Gabel covers not only key figures but major concepts associated with Mannheim and the sociology of knowledge: ideology and false consciousness; the socially unattached intelligentsia; and the utopian conscience. In addition, we are given a tour of the work of Mannheim as seen in Germany, France and England. Gabel's has a unique mastery of the major languages of Europe, and this gives him the potential for a reinterpretation of Mannheim that reveals the author to be a talented thinker in his own right, and not simply a chronicler of the work of others. His final chapter on Mannheim, comparing him with Lukacs as well as Marx, is central to our understanding of sociology.In raising the importance of the role of consciousness in the study of society, Mannheim overcame what Marx and Engels, no less than many of his followers understood to be an essential weakness in the so-called economic interpretation of history. This book, linking Mannheim to the Hungarian climate, helps us appreciate how this sociological synthesis came about in a specific social setting.Joseph Gabel was born in Hungary, and educated in French universities. He is the author of False Consciousness (1962); Sociology of Alienation (1970); Ideologies, Vol. I (1974); Ideologies II (1978), all in French. His book on The Forms of Estrangement (1964) was published in German. His shorter articles have appeared in Kolner Zeitschrift for Soziologie und Sozial-psychologie, and the Newsletter of the International Society for the Sociology of Knowledge.
Taylor & Francis Inc Property, Politics, and Urban Planning: A History of Australian City Planning 1890-1990
This book written before the cusp of a waning left-liberal approach to planning issues and a just blossoming neo-Marxist paradigm, reflects the ambivalence of its era. Developments in social and political theory have generated new ways of understanding the role of urban planning in capitalist societies and the emergence of feminist historical frameworks have led Sandercock to reconsider her gender-neutral approach to planning history.
Taylor & Francis Inc Institutionalized Learning in America
Despite the vast amount of research on teaching, very little of it has related overall theoretical perspectives to general principles of teaching and instruction. Keenly aware of this, Ornstein's primary criteria for selection of the material in this book is its value to those concerned with the practice of teaching and instruction and with the interaction of students with teachers.Institutionalized Learning in America mixes theory and practice, presenting proven methods that are based on research and that have been demonstrated to work. No one set of strategies or methods is offered, providing the reader with the opportunity to select from many different approaches. The book is divided into four parts and twenty chapters. Part I, on teaching, provides an overview of research on teaching and teacher effectiveness. Part II, on learning, discusses how information to be learned is organized and taught, as well as how to evaluate what has been learned. Part III, on instruction, emphasizes planning and organizing content and experience in a meaningful way. Part IV deals with effective schools.Institutionalized Learning in America will be of interest to researchers and practitioners of the art of teaching, as well as those interested in applications of cognitive psychology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Policymaking, Communication, and Social Learning
Policymaking, Communication, and Social Learning presents Sir Geoffrey Vickers's seminal essays on policymaking and related issues facing modern Western culture. These essays, many of them published here for the first time, illustrate the range of Sir Geoffrey's thought, and also articulate certain recurrent themes. He portrays a unique view of policymaking, building on his notion of "appreciation" and focusing on the processes of reflection and communication in setting and changing the tacit norms which govern our conduct. These themes culminate in his perception of the emerging challenges facing the professions, and in what he sees as the educational requirements implied by these challenges.Vickers was a master of the English language. He writes vividly, blending concrete example with more general statement. As a result, this volume will appeal to a wide audience concerned with issues of public governance, regulation, communication, ecology, value conflict and resolution, the modern role of the professions, education, and ethics.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Regionalization of Warfare: The Falkland/Malvinas Islands, Lebanon, and the Iran-Iraq Conflict
Three wars have dominated world events in recent years: The conflict which erupted between the United Kingdom and Argentina over the Falkland/Malvinas Islands; the multinational conflict in Lebanon involving Irsaeli, Syrian, and FLO forces in Lebanon; and the savage struggles between ground and air units of the Iranian and Iraqi forces. The scale and intensity of these wars, their potential for global conflict, make them crucial for an understanding among citizens in general, and defense and political analysts in particular.The authors and contributors to this most unusual volume come to several common conclusions: professionalism is a crucial factor in military effectiveness, but not necessarily dependent on modes of recruitment; high technology is crucial, but only in relation to the quality and training of the personnel; public support is necessary to sustain military morale in democratic and authoritarian regimes alike. These are only some of the incisive findings registered and explored in The Regionalization of Warfare.The volume a'ssembles experts not only on these three major regional and interregional conflicts, but on current U.S. defense policies; Soviet strategic interests in Middle East and Persian Gulf conflicts; and a series of papers on lessons learned and unlearned as a result of these "small wars" of the early 1980s. For those interested in military history, global strategy, and regional rivalries, this -collection of finely written, sophisticated papers will prove to be of intense concern.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Repair of the Soul: Metaphors of Transformation in Jewish Mysticism and Psychoanalysis
Repair of the Soul examines transformation from the perspective of Jewish mysticism and psychoanalysis, addressing the question of how one achieves self-understanding that leads not only to insight but also to meaningful change. In this beautifully written and thought-provoking book, Karen Starr draws upon a contemporary relational approach to psychoanalysis to explore the spiritual dimension of psychic change within the context of the psychoanalytic relationship. Influenced by the work of Lewis Aron, Steven Mitchell and other relational theorists, and drawing upon contemporary scholarship in the field of Jewish studies, Starr brings the ideas of the Kabbalah, the ancient Jewish mystical tradition, into dialogue with modern psychoanalytic thought. Repair of the Soul provides a scholarly integration of several kabbalistic and psychoanalytic themes relating to transformation, including faith, surrender, authenticity, and mutuality, as well as a unique exploration of the relationship of the individual to the universal. Starr uses the Kabbalah’s metaphors as a vivid framework with which to illuminate the experience of transformation in psychoanalytic process, and to explore the evolving view of the psychoanalytic relationship as one in which both parties - the analyst as well as the patient - are transformed.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Psychiatrist in the Courtroom: Selected Papers of Bernard L. Diamond, M.D.
Over the course of an illustrious career, the late Bernard Diamond established himself as the preeminent forensic psychiatrist of the century. The Psychiatrist in the Courtroom brings together in a single volume Diamond's pivotal contributions to a variety of important issues, including the nature of diminished capacity, the fallacy of the impartial expert, the predictability of dangerousness, and the unacceptability of hypnotically facilitated memory in courtroom proceedings. Ably introduced and edited by Jacques M. Quen, M.D., a close colleague of Diamond's and leading historian of forensic psychiatry, these writings enable experts and neophytes alike to track Diamond's evolving positions while clarifying where current legal and psychiatric opinion converge -- and diverge -- on a host of critical topics.For the forensic specialist, The Psychiatrist in the Courtroom is not only an invaluable reference work but a compassionate reminder of the clinician's obligation to protect patients in legal proceedings. And in an age when clinicians are increasingly called into court, the book will be no less valuable to psychoanalysts and other mental health professionals eager for an introduction to the intricacies of judicial reasoning. Then, too, owing to Diamond's clinical acumen, the book is a compelling human document. With great erudition and deep compassion, Diamond tackles these and other knotty questions, always with an eye to clarifying the legal and clinical implications of the answers. By combining superb clinical gifts with an incisive understanding of legal principle, Diamond produced a seminal corpus whose relevance to discussions of therapeutic ethics and to legal debates will continue well into the next century.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Psychoanalytic Study of Society, V. 16: Essays in Honor of A. Irving Hallowell
Volume 16 offers appreciations of A. Irving Hallowell by M. Spiro, R. Fogelson, and E. Bourguignon. Additional topics include Kagwahiv dream beliefs (W. Kracke); experiences of the self in Papua New Guinea (F. Poole); house design and the self in an African culture (R. & S. LeVine); circumcision and biblical narrative (M. Lansky & B. Kilborne); and cultic elements in early Christianity (W. Meissner).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Child Therapy: Concepts, Strategies,And Decision Making: Concepts Strategies & Decision Making
Published in 1997, Child Therapy: Concepts, Strategies, And Decision Making is a valuable contribution to the field of Psychotherapy.
Taylor & Francis Inc Metal Ecotoxicology Concepts and Applications
This book provides an in-depth discussion of various aspects of metal ecotoxicology. State-of-the-art information and techniques in areas ranging from metal behavior in surface waters to bioaccumulation kinetics and toxicokinetics to community effects are presented in a hierarchical arrangement. Specific topics discussed include metals in abiotic components of ecosystems, autecology (effects of metals relative to the individual or a single species), and metals in marine and freshwater systems in the context of synecology (species associated and interacting as a unit). This is an important book that will be useful to researchers, risk assessment consultants, regulatory personnel, and teachers and students.
Taylor & Francis Inc Effective Writing Strategies for Engineers and Scientists
This easy-to-read, concise book is filled with examples, hints, reminders and reviews designed to help engineers and scientists develop effective writing skills. Use the book to learn to write better reports, memos, and journal articles and keep it close at hand when you have questions about organization, clarity and style, writing and revising rough drafts, graphics, workplace writing, computers in writing, and legal issues in writing. The book also contains four helpful appendices on common errors, equations and abbreviations, preparing manuscripts for publication, and documenting information sources. Effective Writing Strategies for Engineers and Scientists provides easy training for the type of writing required of engineers and scientists, gives specific advise for conveying complicated information, and describes how to synthesize information according to specific writing strategies. It is a "must" for every scientist's and engineer's bookshelf.
Taylor & Francis Inc Chemical Quality of Water and The Hydrologic Cycle
This newly published book is an organized collection of papers dealing with changes in the quality of water as it moves through the world's hydrologic cycle-from the sea, lakes, and rivers-to its hydrosphere and then back to earth as precipitation, where the water again percolates through the soil or falls on the ocean, rivers, or lakes. (Changes that occur are physical, chemical, and biological.) Though chapters discuss results of specific lab or field experiments which in themselves have value for the scientist, focus is on processes involved. Many general concepts of water quality are provided in this cohesively organized book.
Taylor & Francis Inc Pollution, Politics and Foreign Investment in Taiwan: Lukang Rebellion
Lukang is a sleepy provincial town on the east coast of Taiwan. The Lukang "rebellion" was a series of well-organised mass demonstrations in 1986 and 1987 to block construction by the DuPont Corporation of a titanium dioxide plant nearby. If this protest had occurred just a few years earlier, no doubt it would have been crushed by a powerful government determined to promote development at any cost. If it had been a few years later, it probably would have passed unnoticed. But it came at a time just when environmental consciousness in Taiwan had reached a critical mass and as the government was introducing political reforms allowing unprecendented scope to new forms of civil action. In this atmosphere, a handful of determined, capable activists, bent on keeping a giant multinational corporation out of their "old home", focused the attention of the entire island on Lukang, raised the national consciousness about threats to the natural environment, and challenged the rules that government officials and industrial leaders in Taiwan had come to take for granted. The Lukang rebellion was one of those small events with large consequences that make for interesting and significant history.
Taylor & Francis Inc Exploring Revolution: Essays on Latin American Insurgency and Revolutionary Theory
This series of essays on insurgency and revolution focuses on events in Latin America since 1956. The contributors discuss revolutionary theory, the nature of social movements and models of social action. Topics raised include terror, guerilla regimes, mobilizing peasants, and the vulnerability of regimes to revolution.
Taylor & Francis Inc Addiction Potential of Abused Drugs and Drug Classes
Increase your awareness of the relative addiction liabilities of various drugs and drug classes that are commonly abused. A timely and masterful new book, Addiction Potential of Abused Drugs and Drug Classes clarifies, in contemporary terminology, the state of addiction liability of cocaine, opiates, alcohol, sedative-hypnotics, nicotine, anxiolytics, marijuana, inhalants and anesthetics, and PCP and hallucinogens--the nine drugs that are most abused today. Authorities combine their research expertise with the available scientific literature to evaluate those factors which contribute to the addictive qualities of drugs. Specific chapters highlight the positive and negative reinforcement qualities that make drugs rewarding, focus on the two major subtypes of alcoholics, and cover the neuroanatomical and neurochemical bases of psychological dependence, the greatest contributing factor to drug addiction. An essential new resource for scientists, clinicians, and administrators, Addiction Potential of Abused Drugs and Drug Classes also highlights those areas where more work is needed in order to understand how individual drugs affect the processes of dependence, tolerance, and addiction, so that adequate treatment of these disorders can be discovered.The book was written for teachers and researchers in the chemical dependency field, to provide an up-to-date review of the literature. In addition, physicians, nurses, and pharmacists will find the book to be valuable as an update on the relative addiction strengths of abused drugs. Finally, treatment counselors and professionals with some knowledge of physiology and pharmacology will be interested in the book because of its relevance to the clinical treatment of chemically-dependent patients.
Taylor & Francis Inc Educational Computing and Problem Solving
Professionals who are on the cutting edge of educational computing discuss, in this provocative new book, one of the most exciting prospects of the field--harnessing the power of the computer to enhance the development of problem-solving abilities. Here is everything that educators will need to know to use computers to improve higher level skills such as problem solving and critical thinking. Current aspects of problem-solving theory, a philosophical case for including programming languages in the curriculum, state-of-the-art research on computers and problem solving, and a look at problem-solving software are included in this comprehensive volume. The research and its application to instruction are grounded in problem-solving theory--making this book a unique and critical addition to the existing literature.
Taylor & Francis Inc Gender Issues, Sex Offenses, and Criminal Justice: Current Trends
Here is a powerful look at gender issues in the criminal justice system, particularly as gender is related to sex offenses and the system’s response to those offenses. Experts examine inmate sexual aggression, gender disparity in bail setting, racial patterns of rape, the female offender’s adjustment to prison life, the psychological profile of female first offenders, and the self-image of juvenile prostitutes.
Taylor & Francis Inc Banking and Finance Collections
A wide range of special librarians from banking, finance, and government provide descriptive accounts of their respective collections in this comprehensive volume. They provide an introduction to some of the major library and archival resources available to bankers, financiers, and investors, as well as offer access to the historian and scholar doing research in some aspect of business. The collections represented include the Federal Reserve System, the Joint Bank-Fund Library of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, Standard & Poor’s, the Wells Fargo Corporation, the Lippincott Library of the Wharton School, and more.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Time Sequencing: Colorcards
This beautiful set of cards carefully depicts the passing of time to aid an understanding of order and direction. They can be used in many environments and the accompanying booklet includes ideas and activities for using the cards. The cards are varied in content - for example: Times of the day - Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night; Seasons - Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter; Ageing - Baby, Child, Teenager, Adult, Senior Citizen; Moon Phases - New Moon, Half Moon, Full Moon; Plant Life-cycle - Seed, Seedling, Flower, Seed head; and, Frog lifecycle - Frogspawn, Tadpole, Froglet, Adult. The cards vary in complexity and encourage comprehension, attention and observation.Intended for use in educational settings and/or therapy contexts under the supervision of an adult. This is not a toy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd How are They Feeling?: Colorcards
This title features 30 superb cards to examine and understand hopes and fears. These cards present a range of scenarios and activities that occur frequently or rarely in everyday life, but which may have a huge influence or impact. Using relevant cards from the set provides opportunities to discuss what it may or may not portray and provide an ideal start-point for conversation or story telling with individuals or groups. Scenarios, experiences and activities depicted include: parents rowing in front of daughter; visit to the dentist; feeding a pet; attending a night club/concert/festival; starting a race; moving house; cyber bullying; and, having no money. The accompanying booklet provides guidance for using the cards effectively and the CD-ROM includes worksheets for each card.Intended for use in educational settings and/or therapy contexts under the supervision of an adult. This is not a toy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Here's One I Made Earlier: Ideas for Enlivening and Extending SLT Sessions
This imaginative and practical book contains a collection of ideas and games that should provide you with lots of new resources without spending a fortune. Some of the games and activities address particular communication themes, such as: listening techniques; speech sounds; vocabulary building; and friendship skills, while others cover several areas simultaneously. The book is organised into chapters according to the major skill area being addressed, with suggestion for linked items in other chapters. To add to well-established and structured programmes of therapy that SLTs use, there are two principles that can make for better therapeutic outcomes, and on which the book is based: clients often respond more effectively if they feel that they "own" their therapy by being involved in making the materials that they will use; and therapy is improved when it is good fun, and preferably humorous. You don't need to be a great artist or craftsman to create these games and activities, or huge quantities of spare time to make most of the items, especially if you can get organised with equipment all in one go. There is a basic shopping list to help you get started. It is a must have for all Speech and Language Therapists. It is presented in A4 wire-o-bound.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Teen Issues: Colorcards
This title includes 36 cards and worksheets to open up discussion on the key issues facing young people today. Growing up in today's world presents young people with a complex range of diverse situations, attitudes and experiences. The versatile cards in this pack have been designed to provide an opportunity to consider the variety of subjects, experiences and situations that a young person could encounter, providing an opportunity and platform for informative and lively discussion. Topics covered in this title include: relationships - for example; Parents and step families, Siblings, Friends, Enemies, Bullying; lifestyle - for example; Diet and Fitness, Mental and Physical Health, Self-esteem, Addictions, Body image; safety - for example; Gaining independence, Stress, Bullying, Gangs, Cyber safety; Life Skills - for example; and, Money management, Gambling, Climate change, School workload, Politics, Making choices. The downloadable resources include worksheets for each ColorCard, which can be printed out in either black and white or colour to enable specific work to be undertaken. Intended for use in educational settings and/or therapy contexts under the supervision of an adult. This is not a toy.Intended for use in educational settings and/or therapy contexts under the supervision of an adult. This is not a toy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Transforming Your Anger in Non-Violent Ways
This is a practical workbook helping individuals to safely express their anger. For those of you who are struggling with unhelpful expressions of anger, whether your own or other people's, this book provides explanations, activities and exercises to change how you understand and express your anger. It empowers you to move away from your habitual reactions, resulting in conflict, and towards ways of expressing your anger fully and safely in non-violent ways. It explains key concepts and common human experiences of the physical, neurological and emotional displays of anger. It helps readers to identify the key triggers for their own and others' anger, and to identify their typical anger style. It describes non-violent ways to express anger fully and safely, and to receive and deal with the anger of others. It explains how changes to behaviour can be established and maintained. With more than 40 activities and exercises to work through, this is a practical resource to empower you to change your behaviour so you are able to express your anger safely and to improve your experience of family and work life.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Emotional Intelligence (EI) Games
Improve emotional intelligence in 10 key areas with these imaginative discussion cards. These thoroughly tested cards will help children aged 8 to 11 increase their emotional intelligence in 10 key areas: anger management; communication; problem solving; self-image; awareness; responsibility; stress control; compassion; relating; and, handling emotion. Using a game format and designed to be played repeatedly, children will become more confident and cooperative and be able to practise making positive choices. In doing so, they will develop a sense of self-worth, enabling them to cope better with life's challenges. It includes 2-6 players.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Helping Children Who Bottle Up Their Feelings: A Guidebook
A guidebook to help children who: are trying to manage their too painful feelings by themselves do not let themselves cry, protest or say that they are scared are living with too many unresolved painful emotions from the past have had disturbing, overwhelming or confusing experiences, which they have been unable to think through or feel through properly are full of unexpressed feelings because expressing them feels far too dangerous; and are full of unmourned grief.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Groupwork Manual
Intended for anyone who runs or participates in group sessions, this manual offers almost 100 practical activities. It takes the user through a broad range of exercises, ideas, pitfalls and descriptions. This is an ideal companion to the "Creative Activities in Groupwork" series. The book covers every kind of group from social to community groups and from encounter to therapeutic groups. Activities include transforming sound, singing questions, name paint, ritual teambuilding, ears, eyes and mouth, survival, my favourite words, improvisations, sharing, jungle, musical hoops, space walk and interviews.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Stress, Anxiety, Depression: A guide to humanistic counselling and psychotherapy
Allowing clients to work on their own problems and at their own pace, this excellent title recognises that solving personal problems is a skill to be learnt just like any other. It teaches the reader the necessary skills and then guides the use of those skills through organised action plans and practical self help programmes. It is excellent for helping to build confidence in relationships, communicating with others and understanding personal choice. It helps the user overcome guilt, anger, moodiness, depression, stress and anxiety. It encourages a more relaxed approach and helps to handle conflict at home and in work. All of the exercises, questionnaires and action plans can be freely photocopied.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Depression: A Cognitive Approach
Based on cognitive behavioural psychotherapy, this resource book describes how to treat mild to moderate depression. Aimed at the professional with little or no experience of treating depression, it provides detailed instructions on recognising a client's profile of depression, identifying dysfunctional thinking patterns and following through the ten steps for treatment. The methods described can be used with clients exhibiting mild to moderate depression in most therapeutic situations and also for people suffering from severe depression if they are in an in-patient setting. This book is divided into three parts. Part 1 contains basic information about depression, cognitive therapy and other approaches to treatment; Part 2 gives practical guidance in 10 steps to help clients overcome depression; and Part 3 provides additional information about sub-types of depression, drug treatment and the management of suicide and self-harm. Each step has handouts that can be photocopied and given to the client. It is suitable for use with groups as well as individuals.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Fun Pictures: Colorcards
These pocket sized sets of flashcards are comparable in size and quality to a good pack of playing cards and are designed to support teaching and therapeutic input in the clinic, school and home. Discover the deliberate mistake in these humorous and entertaining cards. It contains objects and situations of interest to all ages. Based on the successful "Whats Wrong ?" format, the fun element is the realisation that there is something odd about each picture.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Group Activities for Personal Development
Aimed at professionals working with groups that are developing social skills and exploring relationships, this photocopiable handbook is a vital collection of workshops covering specific themes. Each theme is clearly divided into warm-ups, main exercises and closures. Intended to help professionals save on preparation time, the organisation and format of this book reflects its highly practical content.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Development of Working Memory: A Special Issue of the International Journal of Behavioural Development
Working memory refers to the temporary storage and manipulation of information that is being processed in a wide range of cognitive tasks. This Special Issue of the International Journal of Behavioral Development brings together research on the development of working memory that arises within two quite different approaches. The first is the neo-Piagetian perspective, which proposes that working memory limitations play an important role in the development of cognitive abilities. Accordingly, a major goal of neo-Piagetian research has been to develop techniques for measuring the capacity of working memory and to chart its development. Papers by Alp, de Ribaupierre and Bailleux, Morra, and Pascual-Leone, illustrate different facets of this approach.The second approach stems from the study of working memory and information-processing in mainstream cognitive psychology, which has suggested the need to distinguish relatively peripheral phonological and visuo-spatial subsystems from central resources. Since these subsystems are currently better understood than the central component of adult working memory, they have tended to be the focus of related developmental studies. This tendency is illustrated in papers on visuo-spatial working memory by Longoni and by Walker and Hitch, and on phonological working memory by Henry. A further significant strand of research in both approaches, is to investigate links between the development of working memory and various aspects of cognitive development; this type of work is illustrated in the papers by Blake on language acquisition and by Siegel on reading. Although the two approaches have tended to remain rather separate, their complementarity is fairly obvious: one has tended to emphasise central aspects of working memory, the other more peripheral aspects. This special issue is intended to promote the exchange of ideas, methods and data between researchers using the two approaches, and to identify areas of conflicts and agreements.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Transcortical Aphasias
Transcortical aphasias is the term used for syndromes in which the ability to repeat language is relatively preserved despite marked disturbances in other linguistic domains. Although there are a number of well-known reference texts on language disturbances after acquired brain damage that uncover the classical syndromes of aphasia (e.g. conduction aphasia) in a comprehensive fashion, this monograph is unique in its coverage of the different clinical, linguistic, and neuroanatomical aspects of transcortical aphasias.This book offers a comprehensive, contemporary and scholarly account of transcortical aphasias by combining valuable information upon cognitive neuropsychology, neuroimaging and functional localization of residual repetition and other language functions among patients with transcortical aphasias.The book covers: historical aspects; assessment of language deficits from a clinical and psycholinguistic perspective; clinical phenomenology, aetiology, neural substrates, and linguistic mechanisms underlying each of the three clinically established variants of transcortical aphasias (motor, sensory, and mixed); associated phenomena such as echolalia, completion phenomenon, automatic speech, and prosody; and neuroanatomical correlates including structural and functional neuroimaging. Each chapter presents the description of original and published cases which illustrate the various clinical patterns of transcortical aphasias.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Camden Memory Tests Scoring Sheets
This is a pack of 25 scoring sheets, designed to be used in conjunction with the Camden Memory Tests. One pack is also available free of charge with each test.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Islam in Africa and the Middle East: Studies on Conversion and Renewal
This second volume of studies by the late Nehemia Levtzion pursues the themes covered in his previous collection, Islam in West Africa; it also maintains a particular interest in the history of Africa while including broader chronological and geographic perspectives. It includes four new papers, delivered by the author in the years before his death, specially prepared for publication in this volume. In the first part, there is an emphasis on processes of conversion and Islamization, but the studies also cover Islamic perceptions of and presence in Africa; the second focuses on Islamic movements of revival and renewal, Sufism and fundamentalism.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Lyell and Darwin, Geologists: Studies in the Earth Sciences in the Age of Reform
The studies in this second volume by Martin Rudwick (the first being The New Science of Geology: Studies in the Earth Science in the Age of Reform) focus on the figures of Charles Lyell and Charles Darwin. Lyell rose to be of pivotal importance in the second quarter of the 19th century because he challenged other geologists throughout Europe by probing their methods and conclusions to the limit. While adopting their goal of reconstructing the contingent history of the earth, he claimed that the physical processes observable in action in the present could explain far more about the past than was commonly believed, and that it was unnecessary to postulate occasional catastrophic events of still greater intensity. Far more controversial was Lyell's further claim that the earth and its life had always been in a stable steady state, rather than developing in a broadly linear or directional fashion. His younger friend Charles Darwin first made his name as a Lyellian geologist; Darwin's early work in geology, studied here, provided important foundations for his later and more famous research on speciation and other biological problems.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Les sources du plain-chant et de la musique médiévale
The origin and development of Western plainchant, and of the genres of liturgical book in which it is recorded, have occupied Michel Huglo throughout his long career, which has taken him to libraries in every corner of Europe and the United States. This volume, the first in a set of four to appear in the Variorum series, brings together analyses of manuscripts dating from the 9th to the 13th century, including Huglo's pathbreaking studies of the antiphoner of Compiègne, the first troper-prosers, and of alleluia lists as clues to place of origin. The consequences of the Treaty of Verdun (843) for the diffusion of the plainchant repertory, research in medieval musicology in the 20th century, the utility of codicology for musicological manuscript studies, and the critical edition of the Gregorian antiphoner are addressed in other studies included here. Les origines et le développement du plain-chant en Occident et l'étude des genres de livres liturgiques qui le contiennent ont occupé Michel Huglo durant sa longue carrière et l'ont conduit à visiter des bibliothèques partout en Europe et aux Etats-Unis. Ce volume, le premier d'une série de quatre dans la collection Variorum, comprend des analyses de manuscrits du neuvième au treizième siècle, notamment des études novatrices relançant les recherches sur l'antiphonaire de Compiègne, les premiers tropaires-prosaires et les listes d'alleluias comme moyen d'identification des manuscrits de chant. Les conséquences du traité de Verdun (843) pour la diffusion du répertoire de plain-chant, les recherches en musicologie médiévale au XXe siècle, l'application des méthodes de la codicologie à l'étude des manuscrits notés, et l'édition critique de l'Antiphonaire grégorien forment les sujets d'autres études réunies dans ce volume.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Britain, Canada and the North Pacific: Maritime Enterprise and Dominion, 1778–1914
From the time of Cook, the British and their Canadian successors were drawn to the Northwest coast of North America by possibilities of trade in sea otter and the wish to find a 'northwest passage'. The studies collected here trace how, under the influences of the Royal Navy and British statecraft, the British came to dominate the area, with expeditions sent from London, Bombay and Macau, and the Canadian quest from overland. The North West Company came to control the trade of the Columbia River, despite American opposition, and British sloop diplomacy helped overcome Russian and Spanish resistance to British aspirations. Elsewhere in the Americas, the British promoted trans-Pacific trade with China, harvested British Columbia forests, conveyed specie from western Mexico, and established the South America naval station. The flag followed trade and vice versa; empire was both formal (at Vancouver Island) and informal (as in California or Mexico). This book features individuals such as James Cook, William Bolts, Peter Pond, and Sir Alexander Mackenzie. It is also an account of the pressure that corporations placed on the British state in shaping the emerging world of trade and colonization in that distant ocean and its shores, and of the importance of sea-power in the creation of modern Canada.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Doctrine and Philosophy in Early Christianity: Arius, Athanasius, Augustine
The studies in this second collection by Professor Stead, which includes three pieces hitherto unpublished, investigate in detail the philosophical basis and legitimacy of important statements of early Christian doctrine, focusing on the writings of Arius, Athanasius and Augustine. Arius is shown as a theologian of merit, rather than the monster portrayed by conventional historians, with Athanasius' polemical attacks on him emerging as ill-founded - though Athanasius' own positive teaching is deservedly famous. Augustine appears as not only a masterly theologian, but an enterprising philosopher, albeit one capable of error. His cosmology, often neglected, forms the subject of one of the unpublished studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Figures in the Landscape: Rural Society in England, 1500–1700
How did the ’peasantry’ of early modern England react to the Reformation and to subsequent changes in their churches? Were they involved in founding dissenting churches? Could they even read? And if so, what was available for them? This volume brings together a key set of papers on such subjects by one of the foremost recent English social historians. Margaret Spufford has been a pioneer, in the particular social ’landscape’ of early modern England, of the techniques of ’total history’, and her work has helped shift the historical understanding of seventeenth-century commoners away from merely economic models and toward a perspective in which religious, cultural, educational and geographical factors are also seen as integral parts of the environment of the past.